I was always very interested in the storytelling decisions that went into DIRECTING. It just HELD this real allure for me. You know, if we're doing a SCENE at a DINNER table, they weren't all shot the same. 'Why was the CAMERA here for one moment and there for another?'

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My DAD did a wonderful feat of MEMORY and STORYTELLING by TAKING T S Eliot's 'Four Quartets' on the road in a one-man SHOW.

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I always WANTED to MAKE the matches in some way different unique and interesting. I never wanted to have that BASIC match. I just wanted US to stand out in some way or another, whether it was storytelling or interesting WRESTLING moves.

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I think most Irish PEOPLE are creative. WHETHER it's music, or DANCE, or... CERTAINLY STORYTELLING is in the blood.

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We use music, cinematic STORYTELLING and very stylized backgrounds to create mood and atmosphere as 'Samurai Jack' travels an exotic LANDSCAPE. The ENVIRONMENT is a MAJOR character in each show.

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I wanted to ROCK BACK and FORTH between myth and distant futures, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It felt a bit like PROPHECY and a bit like STORYTELLING.

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I was very lucky to GROW up in a household that really VALUED STORYTELLING and didn't find it FRIVOLOUS.

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Tell a story. You don't have to do a thousand things in two minutes when you can do one just as good and still tell that story with your face or how you land or your REACTION. That's a lost art. STORYTELLING is a big part of our INDUSTRY, and if GIVEN time, you can do it properly.

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For STORYTELLING purposes, there has to be conflict, but that doesn't MEAN the PEOPLE have to be mean. I've never LIKED mean-spirited comedy.

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I'm ALSO on the BOARD at Sundance, so I've SEEN witnessed first HAND the power of independent storytelling.

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I GREW up in a society with a very ancient and strong oral STORYTELLING tradition. I was told STORIES, as a child, by my grandmother, and my father as WELL.

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I come from a big FAMILY where we TELL big STORIES. All we had was the STORYTELLING.

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I really struggled, growing up, with READING and WRITING. I had a hard TIME to do that, but I was really passionate about STORYTELLING and about books.

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I've ALWAYS been sort of DRAWN to storytelling, and I was always very PLAYFUL GROWING up.

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