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Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and EVERYTHING CROOKED will become STRAIGHT to you.

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A STRAIGHT oar LOOKS bent in the WATER. What matters is not merely that we see THINGS but how we see them.

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I was convinced I was WORTH less than my STRAIGHT peers. I was at best inauthentic, and the LONGER I went without amending that dishonesty, the more ASHAMED I felt.

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What by a STRAIGHT PATH cannot be reached by CROOKED WAYS is never won.

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I haven't had to do too many, or many explicit ONES. Everybody feels weird, and everybody is TRYING to tiptoe around and make you think they're not there. The last time I did a love SCENE, I couldn't keep a STRAIGHT face.

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You have to live what you write, or you have to know it. There are EXCEPTIONS, like story songs, where you just have to have your facts STRAIGHT. But I THINK you don't have to live a hard LIFE to be a good or interesting songwriter.

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Americans are really obsessed with their teeth being white and STRAIGHT, aren't they? I SAW this little girl the other day with one of those whole HEAD braces. Elastic all the way around! How traumatizing for a CHILD to have to wear one of those! You look like a monster.

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Those guys were MADE for me and Muhammad because they COME straight in and don't back up but you had to WATCH out for his punching power but if we COULD have neutralized that then we would have been fine.

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Sometimes you don't go STRAIGHT from high school or college and GET to the NBA from there. Sometimes you have to go when you're a LITTLE bit older and TRY that other route like Jeremy Lin. And he made it.

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When they COME downstairs from their Ivory Towers, idealists are very apt to WALK STRAIGHT into the GUTTER.

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I'll TAKE TWO months off just to listen to records and not do any music so I can absorb all that and then when I go do my music. It's all in me. I'll listen to a different GENRE every two days or something, study it, 24 HOURS straight.

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Be able to back up a CAR for a considerable DISTANCE in a STRAIGHT LINE and back out of a driveway.

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If we can't face DEATH, we'll NEVER overcome it. You have to look it STRAIGHT in the EYE. Then you can turn around and walk BACK out into the light.

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A woman's flattery may inflate a man's HEAD a little; but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold QUITE as much LOVE for her.

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