I fantasised about F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' - I LOVED it, and then I read EVERYTHING J. D. Salinger had to offer. Then I was turned on to Kerouac, and his spontaneous prose, his stream of consciousness WAY of WRITING. I ADMIRED him so much, and I romanticised so much about the '40s and '50s.

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The STREAM in my HOMETOWN Calgary is the OIL and GAS INDUSTRY - that's the talk you hear on the street.

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On the one hand, life is MADE infinitely easy for the personality in that stimulations, interests, USES of TIME and consciousness are OFFERED to it from all sides. They carry the person as if in a stream, and one needs hardly to swim for oneself.

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Unending was the STREAM, unending the MISERY, unending the SORROW.

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I don't UNDERSTAND when people say CHARACTER actors. You either have the protagonist or the antagonist and I've played both. It's an actor's ROLE to play a character. Does that MEAN that main STREAM heroes and heroines are characterless?

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Washington in the SUMMER is a never-ending stream of tour groups and packs of STUDENTS, here to swarm the MONUMENTS, stroll the NATIONAL Mall, and LEARN about our nation's history and government.

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Don't talk about writing. WRITE. Don't show unfinished work to anyone. Don't show finished work to non-writers. GET your opinions, not from FRIENDS and family, but by sending your work out to editors. An endless STREAM of rejection slips means you need to LEARN more. So learn more.

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DONALD had REACHED its further edge, and could hear the rush of the stream from the DEEP obscurity of the abyss below, when there rose from the opposite side a strain of the most delightful music he had EVER heard.
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In Poland, the whole saying is, 'You've got one eye to Morocco and the other to the Caucasus.' That's the HEART of the CULTURE. In England, they say it LESS romantic: 'You've got a wandering eye.' The saying means my main stream in life must be DEEP Purple. That's my main job. Then EVERY now, and I can wander off and have one eye to Morocco.

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I'm not being OFFERED a constant stream of wonderful parts with wonderful DIRECTORS that would keep me AWAY from the THEATRE. When they TURN up, I do them.

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If Nord Stream was built in EUROPE, I SEE no REASON why SOUTH Stream cannot be built as well.

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It is a PECULIAR part of the GOOD photographer's ADVENTURE to know where luck is most likely to lie in the stream, to HOOK it, and to BRING it in without unfair play and without too much subduing it.

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Just as it is true that a stream cannot rise above its SOURCE, so it is true that a NATIONAL literature cannot rise above the MORAL LEVEL of the social conditions of the PEOPLE from whom it derives its inspiration.

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LIKE 'Twin Peaks,' '24,' 'Mad MEN,' and 'The Sopranos' before it, 'Downton Abbey' enriches the iconography and collective lore of POP CULTURE. It replenishes the stream.
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We'd been NOTICING how much more important the internet had BECOME - once information is out there in the WORLD now, ANYONE can get it. Since that was beginning to happen with the record anyway, we figured, OK, let's just stream it for free ourselves.

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