The once-science-fiction notion of hyper-connectivity - where we are all constantly CONNECTED to social networks and other bubbling streams of DIGITAL data - has RAPIDLY become a widespread REALITY.

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Bats DRINK on the WING, LIKE swallows, by sipping the surface, as they PLAY over pools and streams.

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Technology has changed our industry, and I THINK that's opened up different revenue streams and WAYS to make money and distribute television. It's MADE the global CONVERSATION easier, quicker.

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A chart that weighs some ad-supported streams the same as a PAY stream... encourages ARTISTS to promote free tiers to have a No. 1 record. That's GREAT for the TECH companies, but not for artists.

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If you're an ARTIST, and you put out a record - most artists only have one or two hit RECORDS - that has 100 million streams, on certain services you only GET paid on 75% of those streams. How's an artist going to LIVE like that?

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Just like the VCR opened the film and TV INDUSTRIES to unimaginable NEW revenue streams, SEARCH, RSS and the INTERNET will do the same for marketers and media companies.

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Sponsored stories are not a great way to monetize mobile TRAFFIC. The phone is way more of a PUBLISHING TOOL than a READING tool. The attention users pay to the streams on mobile is far less than on the desktop.

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In my DISTRICT, I KNOW we have THOUSANDS of little creeks and streams, some of which only FILL up when it RAINS. Nationwide, they're in the tens of thousands.

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With that radio I was ALWAYS SWIMMING with the CURRENT political streams in the WEST. I was NEVER stranded.

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At Verizon, we've been strategically investing in emerging TECHNOLOGY, including Verizon DIGITAL Media Services and OTT, that taps into the market shift to digital content and advertising. AOL's advertising MODEL aligns with this APPROACH, and the advertising platform provides a key tool for us to develop future REVENUE streams.

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I THOUGHT there was a glitch when they told me that in two or THREE weeks 'My CHURCH' HIT a million streams.

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It is one thing to SEEK out new ways to grow your COMPANY and new potential streams of income from new services or PRODUCTS, but it is QUITE another to take on responsibilities that are FAR from your primary job as Entrepreneur.

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I'm ALWAYS LOOKING for additional REVENUE streams.

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