Remember when John Roberts was seeking confirmation of the Supreme Court, and he said JUDGES should be just LIKE umpires, just calling balls and strikes? Well, turnabout is fair PLAY. What BASEBALL NEEDS behind the plate are umpires like those judges who are called strict constructionists, which means you follow subtle law to the letter.

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Ian ANDERSON of Jethro Tull is now a GOOD FRIEND, and the THING that strikes you about him is that he's all about DETAILS.

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Luke Rockhold's not GOING to TAKE me down. Chris Weidman's not going to take me down. Their WRESTLING is GREAT, but they have to SET it up with strikes.

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'Mad Men' is nothing more than the fulfillment of every POSSIBLE stereotype of the early 1960s bundled up nicely to convince CONSUMERS that the SORT of morally repugnant behavior exhibited by its characters - with one-night-stands and excessive consumption of Cutty Sark and Lucky Strikes - is GLAMOROUS and 'vintage.'

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It's REALLY frightening, American FOOD on the whole. That's what ALWAYS strikes me, coming from Europe: There's just so much of it! Then you plop down in FRONT of the TV and watch ads for WEIGHT Watchers. 'Lose weight now!' Well, eat less!

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If I'm READY to hit EARLY, if I get fooled, then WHATEVER. I've still GOT TWO more strikes.

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When you're up there and everything FEELS GOOD and you're competing against the pitcher and the pitcher strikes you out, you're LIKE, 'OK, YEAH, I struck out, but that's OK.'

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WATCHING 'Dark CRYSTAL' now, having made Muppet films, it really strikes me just how ambitious that FILM is in terms of the constructs, the builds, the puppeteering.

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It strains credulity to suggest that an agency charged with gathering INTELLIGENCE affecting the NATIONAL security does not have an 'intelligence INTEREST' in drone strikes, EVEN if that agency does not operate the DRONES itself.

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Politicization - the shading of analysis to fit prevailing policy or POLITICS - is the harshest criticism one can MAKE of an intelligence organization. It strikes beyond questions of competence to the FUNDAMENTAL ethic of the enterprise, which is, or should be, TRUTH TELLING.

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SWING at strikes. You've GOT to swing at strikes.

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You are not always GOING to have your A game; you might have your D game. You have to FIND a way to THROW strikes no MATTER what.

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I have NEVER been one to RUN when TRAGEDY strikes.

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There are a lot of SUBTLE things that are harder to STAMP out of a CULTURE in terms of MALE entrepreneurs being mentored more than female entrepreneurs... male entrepreneurs getting several strikes against them before they're kind of let go, whereas female entrepreneurs, it's kind of one strike and you're out.

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