I SPENT most of my career doing high-energy physics, quarks, DARK MATTER, STRING theory and so on.

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A WORD of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty SAYINGS are as easily LOST as the pearls slipping from a BROKEN string.

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Then that did very WELL at the BOX office, so before you KNEW it, we were in a STRING of feature motion pictures. Then they announced that they were going to do some spinoffs of US.

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The string of disqualification cases were filed against me when I was STILL contemplating a run for the presidency by PEOPLE whose motives were suspect at best. Powerful GROUPS with PERSONAL agenda are BEHIND these cases. But I am not afraid. Not when the people are behind me.

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For anybody to say well this is not Hip HOP and that's not Hip Hop, that is not the way the formula was laid down. It was for the people who were going to CONTINUE take anything musically and STRING it ALONG.

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I have a STRING of competitiveness in me. It's REALLY strange 'cause it's not SOMETHING that I would even EXPECT myself to have, but every now and then it kinda sneaks out, you KNOW.

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I think when I began, I PLAYED distortion more than the GUITAR. The results of my strumming. Now I PLAY the twang of the STRING, which is a lot CLOSER to the source of the sound making.

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I SAY to string players in small chamber orchestras, 'it's always EASY to become a passenger on the journey in sound, just adding volume to the whole. But if you play in an INDIVIDUAL way, it MAKES the DIFFERENCE between good and great sound in an orchestra.'

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I am not one of those people who string their exes along. Instead, I RUN and HIDE: under the covers, BEHIND my computer screen, on OPPOSITE coasts of the country.

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'Iceman' COVERS a bigger scope than 'Long Day's JOURNEY.' But they're both fabulous pieces of WORK. 'Iceman' is like a symphony. It's got all the movements, all these different voices. 'Long Day's Journey' is more like a BEAUTIFUL string quartet.

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Yes, you could call me a tree hugger, an environmentalist, an eco-warrior EVEN - EXCEPT I don't spend my life in a kaftan, SMOKING joss sticks and WALKING a skinny dog on a PIECE of string.

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All those ethereal string sounds on 'Oxygene IV' come from the VCS3. It was the FIRST European synthesizer, MADE in England by a guy called Peter Zinoviev. I got one of the first ONES.

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If you can have a really good coaching STAFF, and you can have a really good young quarterback and do a really good JOB in player personnel and string TOGETHER multiple successful drafts, your WINDOW is not small in the NFL because of the quarterback.

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Even clingfilm - if it's GONE over a salad bowl, take it off, use it again. I wash out carrier bags; I SAVE brown paper from parcels. I save string; I save ribbons. I separate all my bits and PIECES.

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I mean, sitcoms shouldn't be doing 'Saturday NIGHT LIVE.' You can't just do bit after bit after bit. You have to string it TOGETHER with TIGHT writing and performances. HOLLYWOOD seems to have forgotten how to do this.

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