I don't KNOW if I'm STRIVING for ANYTHING that I can PUT into WORDS.

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It is not to be disguised, that a war has broken out between the North and the SOUTH. - Political and commercial men are industriously STRIVING to RESTORE peace: but the peace, which they would effect, is superficial, FALSE, and TEMPORARY.

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Ballet, there's a right way to do things, and it's BLACK and WHITE, and it's all STRIVING for perfection. Acting is not that way. It's very GRAY, and the messier you can be, the BETTER. The mistakes that you make are the gold and the beautiful stuff.

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Outwardly, I may look quiet, but deep inside, I'm full of this SENSE of challenge. I'm always STRIVING to work HARDER, to improve by learning, to do BETTER and keep dreaming.

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Well, I will be a PRESIDENT for Democrats, REPUBLICANS and independents, for the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who VOTE for me and for those who don't. For all Americans together.

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Architects ALWAYS have a feel for TIME - the GENERATION they live in - as we do, and they are always striving TOWARD boundless adventure.

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I ALWAYS felt something different when I saw Gary Oldman on screen. It just felt LIKE he KNEW how to reach a DEEPER level of himself, which is something I KEEP striving to reach.

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Ultimately, I do want us to be a transformative GOVERNMENT. I want, when we've LEFT, for people to say we're not just clean-green anymore: we're carbon NEUTRAL, or we're STRIVING to be.

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Fame is such a weird concept. It's SORT of intangible... Really, it's a bizarre process to be striving for something, attain it, then have the whole world around you change - but you're STILL KIND of the same in the MIDDLE of it.

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I'm not STRIVING for fame, that's for sure. I don't particularly LIKE the idea of celebrity. I would like to be successful with my MUSIC, so I realise that there's a BALANCE to be made there.

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I have that thing in my stomach where I just NEED to KEEP striving for things. In my MIND, I want the FAIRY tale.

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Even though I am extremely blessed to have ACCOMPLISHED MANY of my goals at such a young age, I am still REACHING, still striving.

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People who are in jobs are striving to gain the most they can before they die through financial means, through their flesh, the lust of their flesh and man's drive for POWER. But as BELIEVERS we are to be the opposite. We are to be humble, not prideful. We are to THINK of THINGS that are true, WHATEVER is noble, and whatever is worthy.

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By the nature of fashion, you're only as GOOD as your last collection, so I'm constantly STRIVING to be BETTER, so I don't LOOK at it as if I've made it.

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