Mary Trump's 'Too MUCH and Never Enough: How My Family CREATED the World's Most Dangerous Man' TELLS a REMARKABLE story, the broad strokes of which many already knew. Mary Trump offers a TALE of what she calls 'malignant' family dysfunction, and how it produced a malignantly dysfunctional president.

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Both of US played BASKETBALL, and I played tennis and my KNEES are done. Now if you ask us head-to-head who wins at golf, I'm asking for a COUPLE of strokes.

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I've been DANCING since I was two, learning so MANY different styles. I like dancing to rap and hip-hop, but also the Strokes, the Hives, and the Vines with carefree randomness. There's always a WAY to move to SOMETHING.

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The STROKES of the PEN need deliberation as much as the SWORD needs swiftness.

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The STROKES can play anything. They could play 'Thriller,' and it would just sound LIKE 'Thriller' as PLAYED by the Strokes.

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For a LONG TIME I didn't want to do a SOLO thing, but there comes a point where everyone else is going outside of The Strokes and The Strokes filtering PROCESS.

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Folks who are GETTING their strokes in the South are not as UNHAPPY with Howard Dean. You don't see ANYBODY STARTING any movement to get him out of office.

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I am OPPOSED to heart ATTACKS and cancer and strokes the way I am opposed to SIN.

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Mum was in her early 50s when she had four strokes in quick succession that almost took her off. I'd just COME down from Cambridge with a rubbish degree. I spent a year READING to her - her eyesight was BADLY affected - and making sure she got PROPER rest. It was a special TIME but very intense, too.

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Painting with broad strokes, I FEEL like a lot of journalism makes it out to be like the COLLECTIVE consciousness has a finite imagination for multiple women at one time in a similar GENRE.

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