They CALL me the Albertan of Quebec. It STUCK.

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Young, gay and STUCK in Arkansas? SOUNDS LIKE a HORROR flick.

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Don't sweat it if you are STUCK in the corporate JOB right now. But BEGIN to plan ahead. I know from much personal experience that it takes 1-3 years to transition from total SCRATCH to making a living from home in any career you WANT.

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The NICE THING about the theatre is you can always CHANGE it. With a MOVIE, once it's there, you're stuck with it.

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I THINK you NEED to be very CAREFUL of GETTING 'stuck' in musical THEATRE.

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You know why we're stuck with the MYTH that only BLACK people have soul? Because WHITE people don't let themselves FEEL things.

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My real name is BOB DAVIS, but for some REASON, I got the name Jasper while playing football at the local rec when I was nine years old, and it just stuck. Years later, when someone asked 'Jasper who?' I just said 'Carrott' - but I have no idea why I CAME out with that particular word.

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Obviously, with 'The ROOM,' I wasn't on set thinking 'I'm going to be Daniel Day Lewis' playing Mark, but explaining how I even got involved in the MOVIE SHOWS how we all get stuck in SITUATIONS as actors - and this one ENDED up being one of the craziest.

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Dancing and SINGING are the TWO THINGS that have STUCK with me throughout my life.

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I just sat down and thought, I'm going to WRITE a SONG today, I'm going to GIVE it a try. So I just STUCK it on a tape like everything else. That was just another song.

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For a LONG time I did not want to do television because I did not want to get stuck playing the same person. I WANTED the ongoing challenge of a VARIETY of roles.

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With 'Black Sea,' I long had an IDEA that I wanted to do a film about PEOPLE STUCK on the bottom of the OCEAN. I THOUGHT that was a terrifying scenario.

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I don't THINK we should be stuck to only LOVING PEOPLE based on what they look like.

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CRUSHES start out as that TEENAGE phenomenon, life-affirming and cute, but as you WANDER into adulthood, they seem to end up more painful, harrowing, and uncertain, especially if you have just come out of the relationship you thought WOULD finally, maybe, maybe be the one that stuck.

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When EVERYONE GOES HOME, you're STUCK with yourself.

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