If you don't FIND a NEW WEBSITE when you STUMBLE, we've FAILED.

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CERTAIN THINGS you have to STUMBLE on to. They can't be preprogrammed.

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I'm SOMEBODY who SEEMS to STUMBLE into things 10 or 20 years before the REST of the world does.

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SOMETIMES an ACTOR will stumble on the joke, and I'm RIGHT on them. Back it up before the audience hears the bad version of the joke, because HUMOR is 90% surprise. If they KNOW what's coming, they won't laugh as hard.

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I might have to STUMBLE a little BIT more in public than OTHERS, but that's fine, I don't MIND, I've developed a thick skin.

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I think the THING that keeps us motivated is challenging ourselves to SEE if we can be BETTER than we've been before and seeing if we can stumble upon a magic that wasn't there before - WHETHER it's a song, a PERFORMANCE, or a track that lights us up the way the first few records did.

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You WANT experimentation. Every once in awhile, you STUMBLE upon something that blows your MIND.

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Our incomes are LIKE our SHOES; if too small, they gall and pinch us; but if too large, they cause us to STUMBLE and to TRIP.

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Young people have grown up watching so MUCH content, and just to find something that they haven't seen before: that's the DREAM. When you stumble across a SHOW, and you SAY 'I haven't seen this,' that's what we WANT.

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I would love to take ANOTHER stab at really SMART, speculative sci-fi - my first was a BIT of a stumble. I look forward to GETTING another chance.

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I think there is really something we need to examine about the notion of careers, and are women encouraged and given the same OPPORTUNITIES to have VITAL healthy careers in which they are challenged by certain THINGS, they TRY new things, they struggle, maybe they stumble, maybe they fail, and then there's more ROOM to succeed as well.

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Woody ALLEN LIKES to do a lot of master shots. He likes to get the whole thing in one TAKE, and so you could be GOING along doing a scene, and then the next to last line, all of a sudden, you stumble, and you have to go BACK to first base.

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When incomes and bonuses decrease, revenues falter, and businesses stumble, it's more important than EVER to GIVE - not NECESSARILY more, but in a way that matters more. When incomes are down and wallets are stretched, the effectiveness of our GIVING is what really counts.

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I usually shower the night before, lay out all my clothes on the floor, so then I just fall into them, clean my teeth, STUMBLE out the DOOR, get into my car and go WHEREVER it is that we're SHOOTING. You have breakfast on SET.

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I'm not one of your knockabout, knuckle-scarred, Internet-controversy-courting BOOK CRITICS. Occasionally I stumble into controversy accidentally, but not because I ENJOY it. It's probably just because I'm a weird PERSON.

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