I've SPENT my LIFE doing ACTION FILMS and most of my own STUNTS, so my teeth have been knocked out along the way. It happened so frequently that I can't even remember where I lost most of them.

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I WOULD LIKE to be ABLE to do as MANY of my own STUNTS where I can.

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I THINK you only have to PULL STUNTS if the content of your music is MEANINGLESS.

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I do MMA and THINGS LIKE that, so any CHANCE I get to do my own STUNTS, I love it.

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I'm a bit insane when it comes to doing my own stunts and getting down and dirty. It's fun, you KNOW? It's THINGS I wouldn't NORMALLY do in my real life, so when I go to work and get to BEAT people up and shoot guns and get waterboarded, those are things I find completely interesting.

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As soon as I get TIME, I want to START to do some FIGHT training. I tried a little boxing once with my personal trainer back in L.A. - it's such a good WORKOUT, and it's a good skill to have, especially in my industry, since SOMETIMES you have to do stunts and fight scenes.

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For the most part, I do a lot of my own stunts. On 'The FINAL DESTINATION,' they KEPT pulling my STUNT woman in, and I'd shoo her away. I'm a BLACK belt in tae kwon do, so I was adamant about doing stuff myself.

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I've always loved the BOND pictures. I have WATCHED every single one. MOVIES don't get bigger or better than Bond, so I knew this was my opportunity to do a massive action picture with outrageous STUNTS.

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I was WALKING around BORED one day, and I started filming stuff with my cellphone. There are all these shows where people are TRYING to do these outrageous stunts, and I thought it would be funny to do all these stunts that aren't outrageous but then ACT like they are.

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I am DYING to do an ACTION MOVIE. I can do my own STUNTS; I can do this.

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I do all of my own stunts in videos. The Jet Ski SCENES, the FIGHT scenes, all of them!

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Connery made BOND real through his physicality. He did most of his own STUNTS and FIGHTS, and the AUDIENCE KNEW it was him.

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I'm kind of hard to double, but I did have one guy for a while as my double. I kind of like to do my own STUNTS, though, because it's just the overall experience. Sometimes you have to step ASIDE when the stuff gets really dangerous, but I FEEL like sometimes you have to do your own stunts to make the ROLE seem real.

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