FILMS, FICTION, can encompass a whole global vision on a particular subject with any story, WHATEVER it is. You can play the story in whatever country with whatever language in whatever style you want to TELL the story in.
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The eye by long use comes to see EVEN in the DARKEST cavern: and there is no SUBJECT so obscure but we may discern some glimpse of TRUTH by long poring on it.

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I think if you're writing from the heart, very often, the subject matter will adjust as you age... but you try to write the best SONG you can POSSIBLY write. For us, we have the same BASIC elements that MAKE up the America sound.

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MCCAIN is SIGNIFICANT in the SENSE that he has no SIGNIFICANCE at all on any SUBJECT.
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LISTEN, I'm 41 YEARS old. I've got TWO kids. I've got a CAREER. The last thing I need to be doing is having a beef with A Tribe Called Quest. It's silly and it was unnecessary. It ain't the first time that a director hasn't seen EYE to eye with a subject and it ain't going to be the last time.
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As much as any other producer in the modern movie AGE, Harvey Weinstein has been a subject of MEDIA FASCINATION. The grossness, the bullying, the unbridled exercising of personal power, the craven appetites, the awards and his good TASTE in films fed that fascination.

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If you CALL on GOD to IMPROVE the results of a shot while it is still in motion, you are using 'an outside agency' and SUBJECT to appropriate penalties under the rules of golf.

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I do think we know that a teacher who KNOWS what he or she is doing, knows their SUBJECT matter, and knows how to impart KNOWLEDGE to kids is a CRITICAL PIECE of closing the achievement gap.

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It is better by noble BOLDNESS to run the RISK of being SUBJECT to half the evils we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for fear of what MIGHT HAPPEN.

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Any SUBJECT can be MADE INTERESTING, and THEREFORE any subject can be made BORING.

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A PAINTING is finished when the SUBJECT comes back, when what has CAUSED the painting to be MADE comes back as an object.

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But I owe it to the SUBJECT to say, that it has long afforded me what philosophy is so often thought, and MADE, BARREN of - the fun of discovery, the pleasures of co-operation, and the satisfaction of reaching AGREEMENT.

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Viewed from a distance, or through the eye of the All-Knowing CEO of the Universe, the crash of 2008 followed the usual pattern. A long-lived boom driven by CHEAP credit, going BACK as far as 1982 (THOUGH subject to interruptions in the mid-1980s and 1990s, and in 2001), CAME to grief because of a rise in the cost of borrowing MONEY.

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I don't THINK the SUBJECT of a DOCUMENTARY FILM should be PRODUCERS on it.

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