I REALLY like DATING STORIES, like in Betty and Veronica comics; I like David Lynch and H.P. Lovecraft for the dark gut-wrenching stuff, and I'm inspired by Miyazaki's FILMS for the subtle heart-warming moments, as well as the moments that blew up my imagination.

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When I was 17 or 18 I WANTED to become a wine expert, and my parents wouldn't let me drink. So I was devastated. All I COULD do was READ, and I read and I read. And I'd read SOMETHING like, you know, 'Subtle hints of cassis.'

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I learned little by little. I learned how to draw. I learned how to tell the difference in the QUALITY of fabrics - the SUBTLE differences. I STARTED with collections for men. So my FIRST collection for women was DEEPLY inspired by male roles.

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Underlings LOOK up to the BOSS for BEHAVIORAL cues, SUBTLE SIGNS, hints and gestures.

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Being an ARTIST, it's all a journey, and you learn where the SUBTLE PATTERNS LIE.

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The power of ads rests more in the REPETITION of obvious exhortations than in the subtle TRANSMISSION of VALUES.

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It's IMPORTANT to debunk the myths of Africa being this benighted continent CIVILIZED only when WHITE people arrived. In fact, Africans had been creators of culture for thousands of years before. These were very intelligent, subtle and SOPHISTICATED people, with organized societies and great art.

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The Patriot Act is ludicrous. TERRORISTS have PROVED that they are INTERESTED in total genocide, not subtle little hacks of the U.S. infrastructure, yet the government wants a blank search WARRANT to SPY and snoop on everyone's communications.

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PEOPLE show surprise that I have INTERESTS OUTSIDE my political career. There is subtle surprise, for example, that I would be INTERESTED in a RECIPE.

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My kids SPEAK of both subtle slights and blatant RACISM. It's a narrative I never IMAGINED for them.

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I usually CONTROL the ENVIRONMENT I'm in, but my control is very QUIET and SUBTLE.

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Race was thick in the O.J. SIMPSON case from the very BEGINNING, but it wasn't evident. And I THINK the O.J. Simpson case revealed that there is subtle race, and there is SOPHISTICATED race, and there's evident and observable race.

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The iambic pentameter owes its pre-eminence in ENGLISH poetry to its GENIUS for variation. Good BLANK verse does not sound like a series of identically MEASURED lines. It SOUNDS like a series of subtle variations on the same theme.

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