When you're invested in your own business, you're GOING to run it better. When people are FINANCIALLY responsible for WHETHER their store succeeds, they're going to have that KIND of entrepreneurial SPIRIT that's harder to get if headquarters is running things.

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We need the private sector to SUCCEED, because if the private sector SUCCEEDS, America succeeds. Because it's not the GOVERNMENT that PRODUCES JOBS, it's the private sector.

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It's REALLY HARD to MAKE an original movie of any kind that succeeds in the theatrical MARKET place, in the wide release market place.

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If you have a SUCCESSFUL run, everything comes to you. NOTHING SUCCEEDS like success.

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There are a lot of Korean FILMS that will show marital strife, but I'm not SURE I've SEEN so MANY that will show it in the INTEREST of showing a real marriage - one that ultimately succeeds.

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Look at how BEAUTIFUL HISTORY is when LIBERTY SUCCEEDS through the will of the people!

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A PERSON with a NEW IDEA is a crank until the idea SUCCEEDS.

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When CULTURAL CHANGE SUCCEEDS, it succeeds because it's so embedded in what we do that we don't have to THINK about.

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I'm not so naive as to think that EVERYBODY ALWAYS SUCCEEDS, right? I mean, HALF of Shakespeare's stories are tragedies - right?

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