SUCCESS is not judged by just success in a PARTICULAR CHAMPIONSHIP.
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SUCCESS is ACHIEVED by developing our STRENGTHS, not by eliminating our WEAKNESSES.
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IMPROVEMENT at ANYTHING is BASED on thousands of tiny failures, and the magnitude of your success is based on how MANY times you've failed at something.
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The talent of SUCCESS is nothing more than doing what you can do well, and doing well WHATEVER you do WITHOUT thought of FAME. If it comes at all it will COME because it is deserved, not because it is sought after.

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My husband and I love the saying, success is not owned. It's rented, and rent is DUE EVERY single day, and I really and TRULY BELIEVE that.

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SUCCESS is doing ORDINARY THINGS extraordinarily WELL.
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I'm very grateful for the SUCCESS of 'Take Me to the Alley.' The chart position it's reached around the world is very exciting, and its success is an example of the ACCEPTANCE of my MUSIC. I am very thankful.

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The only true measure of success is the ratio between what we might have DONE and what we might have been on the one HAND, and the thing we have MADE and the THINGS we have made of ourselves on the other.

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Success is always SOMETHING completely DIFFERENT to people. I feel like I've succeeded, if I'm doing something that MAKES me HAPPY and I'm not LYING to anybody.

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SUCCESS is not GREEDY, as people think, but INSIGNIFICANT. That is why it satisfies NOBODY.
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The one PERSON who is the REASON for all my SUCCESS is my MOM.

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Success is a terrible THING and a WONDERFUL thing. If you can enjoy it, it's wonderful. If it starts eating AWAY at you, and they're waiting for more from me, or what can I do to TOP this, then you're in trouble. Just do what you love. That's all I want to do.

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Success is more DANGEROUS than FAILURE, the ripples break over a WIDER coastline.

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Success is GETTING what you WANT. HAPPINESS is liking what you GET.

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