SUFFERING is the positive ELEMENT in this WORLD, INDEED it is the only LINK between this world and the positive.
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A MAN who FEARS SUFFERING is already suffering from what he fears.

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All religions are DESIGNED to teach us how to LIVE, joyfully, serenely, and kindly, in the MIDST of SUFFERING.

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CHINA and India will take the global LEADERSHIP on CLIMATE change: they are SUFFERING for it.
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Our wishes are our most reliable mirror, and the black-and-white movies I'm most drawn to are about artists who SUFFER because art is a noble thing; suffering is such a SMALL price to PAY for the IMAGINATION.

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I have TWO children of my own; I can't IMAGINE anything more horrific than to have a CHILD SUFFERING with EB.

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I THOUGHT about all those PEOPLE whose suffering had been erased, and I thought, 'Why can't they SPEAK? Why can't I undo some of that erasure?'

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Suffering is the SUBSTANCE of LIFE and the ROOT of PERSONALITY, for it is only suffering that MAKES us persons.

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Like the suffering child, gang members act out of their despair, and their ACTIONS are all the more alarming now for our not having heeded their cry long ago. The shortsighted neglect that keeps US LOCKED up in our outrage has also kept us from viable SOLUTIONS.

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Over the course of my 13-year career, I've had a lot of concussions, and yet, because I'm no longer COMPETING or SUFFERING from concussion symptoms, I felt like I was in the clear. The REALITY, though, is that I get concussions FAR more easily, and my symptoms last far longer than ever before.

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PAIN - that is what LIFE is about, isn't it? SUFFERING with MOMENTS of reprieve.
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Southern BLACK GAY and bi MEN are suffering from a self-esteem ISSUE.

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GOD steps into the suffering with us, and He takes it on himself, and He WALKS through it with us, and He USES it to CREATE something in you that is unstoppable.
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When you're the good guy in a horror FILM, you're usually suffering a lot throughout the ENTIRE THING.

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The pain and the SUFFERING that I went through MADE me an ACTIVIST. It made me stronger; it made me more compassionate.

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