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We can't do a MODERN Batman continually beating up thugs in zoot SUITS with tommy guns in violin cases. The game has to move on. It has to FEEL RELEVANT.

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I have a very SMALL physique, so it's a LITTLE hard to find SUITS that really FIT me well. I have to wear sizes that are really skinny.

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I OFTEN enjoy wearing LOUD and outspoken clothing on STAGE, so off it, I usually wear loose-fitting vintage shirts, jeans, or TRACK suits I've had FOREVER. I just add styling to those pieces.

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I LIKE TRACK SUITS and SOMETIMES to be suited up. I like to be like a CHAMELEON.

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I love inventing names, but I ALSO COLLECT UNUSUAL names, so that I can look through my notebook and CHOOSE one that SUITS a new character.

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Suits CHANGE a lot - the wide lapel THING, the FASHION TRENDS, the trousers change.

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As I get older I REALIZE what qualities are IMPORTANT in LOVE and what suits me. And what I won't settle for.

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As a COMEDIAN, I found this thing, this profession, that suits my mind and life force. To DROP it to do SOMETHING ELSE? I just don't get that.

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I've ALWAYS been dabbling in SUITS, but LIKE a lot of people in the neighborhoods I GREW up in, I had my snapback; I had my v-neck. I still got them in the closet. I got my J's, my Forces; it was STANDARD.

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I LOVE a good fitted SUIT. ENGLAND is known for MEN who can wear good SUITS.

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I grew up a big fan of the J. R. Ewing character of the 'Dallas' TV show, and I grew up around PEOPLE who were very similar to J. R.: they had come into a ton of MONEY. And they loved to flaunt it and loved to drive fancy cars and WEAR the big cowboy hats and nice suits.

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Your 30s is the TIME to embrace bold, zingy colour PATTERNS and to FOLLOW trends while taking time to get used to what really SUITS you.

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MARILYN Monroe was supposedly a size 16, which is probably why I love her STYLE; it suits me BETTER.
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