I remarked constantly, just at SUNSET, in these LATITUDES, that the eastern HORIZON was brilliantly illuminated with a kind of mock sunset. This in a SHORT time disappeared, to be soon succeeded by another SIMILAR in character, but more faint.

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Sunset Boulevard opened in August 1950, and it was pronounced the BEST movie ever MADE about HOLLYWOOD.

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The FIRST time I saw 'Sunset Boulevard' I was probably eight or nine years old, and it REALLY struck me how it's so SIMPLY put and ELEGANT, yet there's so much going on.

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A LOT of PEOPLE assumed I FADED off into the SUNSET.

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I think 'The SUNSET TREE' is really the ALBUM on which I really learned to trust other MUSICIANS, which is so important.

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PEOPLE like to say how much they like stuff, but with 'The SUNSET Tree,' people SHARED stories about what it meant for them. And that stuff's so humbling and AMAZING.
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Dogs are a really AMAZING eye opener for us humans because their lives are compressed into such a SHORT period, so we can see them go from puppyhood to adolescence to STRONG ADULTHOOD and then into their SUNSET years in 10 to 12 years. It really drives home the point of how finite all our lives are.

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I have this DREADFUL IMAGE of me driving down Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, with the windows rolled down, and our SONG comes on... and I'm sitting there listening to it and some guy pulls up next to me and thinks, 'Hey, it's that guy from the Goo Goo Dolls... he's listening to his own MUSIC. What a jerk!'

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I'm a walker, WHETHER that's a stroll on the BEACH at sunset or getting up at eight o'clock on a SUNDAY MORNING and doing an eight-hour hike through a canyon. It's Zen time for me.

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PRACTICALLY any Western has a homesteader in TROUBLE, and a mysterious RIDER SHOWS up off the range, solves the problem over two or three days, and then rides off into the SUNSET.
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The true PURPOSE of EDUCATION is to TEACH a man to carry himself triumphant to the SUNSET.

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My dad lived on Sunset Boulevard for a couple of YEARS as a waiter, and he said he'd do a different CHARACTER every time SOMEBODY sat down, just to get some practice.

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The cold, mean 'Sunset Boulevard' - a beautiful TITLE, THOUGH I suspect it was SHOT on ANOTHER boulevard - is further proof of the resurgence of ART in the Hollywood of super-craftsmen with insuperable taste.

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'Sunset Boulevard' - the story of HOLLYWOOD MOVIES draped on a depressing sex affair - is an uncompromising STUDY of AMERICAN decadence displaying a sad, WORN, methodical beauty few films have had since the late twenties.

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When I was in Norway, we were there for two DAYS, and I didn't sleep one hour there. I stayed up and WATCHED the SUNSET, then watched it rise again. It was crazy, but I just LOVED it so much.

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