I am a THINKER, and I do muse over THINGS a lot and am constantly assessing whether I am doing ENOUGH or what I should be doing more of to MAKE sure I am not letting anyone down.
I am no LONGER sure of ANYTHING. If I satiate my DESIRES, I sin but I DELIVER myself from them; if I refuse to satisfy them, they infect the whole SOUL.
The Caprese salad PERFECTLYREPRESENTS the colors of the ITALIAN flag. While I am not so sure that the colors of the flag stem from the cuisine, there is no denying that those colors do evoke a TYPICAL Italian PLATE.
I want my handbags and my shoes to be stylish but I want to make SURE that they're versatile. I travel and I have to make sure the PIECES I PUT into my bag can go with a DRESS or with shorts or jeans.