The CGI landscape is ANOTHER world. It has its own physical LAWS; it can defy gravity. But surely the wonder of CINEMATIC space is that it is wedded to REALITY?

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At the AGE of ten, I THOUGHT if a boy kissed you on the LIPS, you would have a BABY, and I surely wasn't the only youngster who believed that!

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The hold on power always ends. While DEATH will SURELY BREAK it, SOMEONE ELSE usually grabs it before then.

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The more POWER you have, the more SURELY it will be TAKEN from you before you are READY to GIVE it up.

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If it is SURELY the means to the HIGHEST end we KNOW, can any work be humble or disgusting? Will it not RATHER be elevating as a LADDER, the means by which we are translated?

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While having a profound IMPACT on the DEVELOPMENT of VALUES is surely an IMPORTANT job of a good PARENT, force-feeding opinions to them is not.

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I don't know exactly when I started WATCHING TELEVISION, but I know that Muppets and Smurfs HOLD privileged places in my memory. Without television, I surely COULD have mastered several classical languages or learned to play the violin, right?

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If an AMERICAN COMPANY has a DROP of patriotic blood coursing through its SYSTEM, then surely it would set up in America and employ Americans, right?

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Be CAREFUL what you SET your HEART upon - for it will SURELY be yours.

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If proud Americans can be who they are and boldly STAND at the altar with who they LOVE then surely, surely we can give everyone in this country a fair CHANCE at that great American Dream.

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If we WANT to live freely and PRIVATELY in the INTERCONNECTED world of the twenty-first century - and surely we do - PERHAPS above all we need a revival of the small-town civility of the nineteenth century. Manners, not devices: sometimes it's just better not to ask, and better not to look.

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Doing 20 MINUTES of stretching, light weights and FLOOR exercises three TIMES a week takes the same amount of time as a long COFFEE break - and eating a TUNA fish salad, sardines on toast or scrambled eggs is surely preferable to a Big Mac or KFC.

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Full surely there is a blessedness beyond the GRAVE for those who have already ENTERED on it here, and in no other form than that wherein they know it here, at any MOMENT.

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Back To DAD' GIVES a MESSAGE that every youngster should learn and this is surely going to leave a very strong impact on the masses.

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Surely, early in my karting career it was TOUGH because MANY people were JEALOUS and thinking I had SPECIAL TREATMENT from the stewards and was getting special treatment. But generally I'm just happy to be a Magnussen.

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