When I first CAME to do SHOWS in VEGAS, I followed the usual ENTERTAINER's syndrome - I played craps and lost.

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I've got Asperger's syndrome and I'm not a very good PEOPLE PERSON, so I've always been more comfortable AROUND machinery. Not in a WEIRD way - I don't want to marry my car or ANYTHING stupid like that!

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In many countries, wind turbines POSE the single greatest threat to BATS after HABITAT loss and white-nose SYNDROME.

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I had a COUPLE of moments STRUGGLING with imposter SYNDROME throughout my career as a PLAYER.

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I've heard some writers say that they are obsessed with certain ideas and that they find themselves writing around the same OBSESSION again and again, but TELLING DIFFERENT stories to GET at that same idea. I'm beginning to THINK that I suffer from this syndrome, too.

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I SOMETIMES think that I MIGHT be slightly autistic. There might be a syndrome that hasn't been named. I don't seem to see the WORLD in the same way that most people I KNOW see it. They don't seem to be baffled by it.

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Turns out, Down syndrome is the most COMMON genetic disorder, occurring once in EVERY 800 births, and no one REALLY KNOWS why it happens. It just does.

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This syndrome, SARS, is now a WORLDWIDE HEALTH THREAT... The world needs to WORK together to find its cause, CURE the sick and stop its spread.

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A lot of the MAIN characters in horror MOVIES are outsiders as well, so that outsider SYNDROME reverberates within horror fans and geeky collectors. It's kind of a rallying call that BRINGS fans and collectors TOGETHER who are a little socially retarded, maybe.

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I have been very blessed in that I have been completely FINE. No headaches, no depression... ABSOLUTELY no SIGNS of post-concussion syndrome.

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Lots of PEOPLE with little KIDS or babies with Down syndrome tell me they aren't afraid of the FUTURE for their CHILD because of what I am doing to help people UNDERSTAND it better.

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The letters TSS that I once read in the fine print buried on the BOTTOM of tampon boxes SOON came to DEFINE me. TSS - Toxic SHOCK Syndrome: a potentially fatal complication of certain types of bacterial infections.

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People know you as an ACTOR, and LABELS are so comfortable for people. That syndrome is always HARD to GET PAST.

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People with Down syndrome can do ANYTHING. They just do it at their own pace. GIVE them a CHANCE, and you will be rewarded BEYOND your GREATEST expectations.

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I think it is time people REALIZED that people with Down SYNDROME can be SEXY and beautiful and should be celebrated.

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