An honest cop still can't find a PLACE to go and complain without FEAR of recrimination. The blue wall will always be there because the SYSTEM SUPPORTS it.

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While admiring the pleasing EVIDENCE of wealth, we become complicit in - or, at the very least, recognize the extent to which we, too, are beneficiaries of - an economic SYSTEM we routinely deplore.

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When we tolerate violations to the CONSTITUTION, the ENTIRE moral FOUNDATION of our political SYSTEM is SHAKEN to its core.

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You have to RESPECT the SYSTEM. If you have a PROBLEM with the system, CHANGE the system.

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I did get a HUGE endorphin rush when I was ABLE to crack a system because it was LIKE a video GAME.

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Hackers are BECOMING more sophisticated in conjuring up new WAYS to hijack your SYSTEM by exploiting technical vulnerabilities or human nature. Don't become the NEXT victim of unscrupulous cyberspace intruders.

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Drinking WATER is LIKE washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load and improve the function of all your tissues.

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One night I couldn't sleep at THREE in the morning and I thought, I'm GOING to color-coordinate my closet. And I did. There's a whole SYSTEM. It goes from white to black and then all the colors in the middle. Then it goes by tank tops to T-shirts to LONG sleeves, and then it goes to the next color. Then it goes to sweaters the same way.

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The forward bend really relaxes the NERVOUS system and brings BLOOD flow BACK to the BRAIN.

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