When you realize that your FREEDOM is being TAKEN away from you, you're like, 'You know what, I'm not going to GET good FOOD in prison, so I'm going to order MCDONALD's, Wendy's, Chick-fil-A.' We're turning up and living our best life, and I did that.

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POWER intoxicates MEN. It is NEVER voluntarily surrendered. It MUST be TAKEN from them.
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There is not one in a hundred of EITHER SEX who is not TAKEN in when they MARRY.

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America really STARTED to die when the Federal Reserve was founded, and it really started to die in 1971 when the GOLD backing was taken AWAY from the dollar, and this currency with Ben Bernanke just printing up or counterfeiting as MUCH money as he WANTS and destroying the economy is really destroying the economy.

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WHENEVER Hollywood gets involved with real life events, certain LIBERTIES have to be taken.
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After the WAR, once the bop revolution had taken hold, there were all kinds of young musicians, talented young musicians, who were READY for this fusion of classical and JAZZ.

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I'm so ATTACHED to Patsy and her CREW, and to the ADVENTURES we've TAKEN them on.

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My ENTIRE mission in life is to HELP women take over the world. Not by force (the route so many men have taken since the BEGINNING of time), but with compassion, perseverance, and LOVE.

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It's just a fact of LIFE that I don't THINK I've ever been TAKEN particularly seriously in movies by movie makers. I don't know why.

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What I find most INTERESTING is how people really have TAKEN LINUX and used it in ways and attributes and MOTIVATIONS that I never felt.

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Greed has taken the WHOLE UNIVERSE, and NOBODY is worried about their soul.

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Where two or more crops are taken normally, it is time to BEGIN PREPARATION for a GOOD rabi crop by assembling the SEEDS, soil nutrients, and other agronomic inputs needed for timely sowing and good plant population.

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I defend just LIKE my brother Todd lived. He taught me how to play DEFENSE by the way he lived his life. I defend like every game is my last game, like ANYTHING can be taken away at any moment, and that's what my brother taught me. That's what he ALWAYS preached to me, so that's how I believe the game should be played.

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NOTHING is so strongly fortified that it cannot be TAKEN by MONEY.
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