I was talking to Rupert Murdoch the other DAY at a lunch, and he SAID, 'Maybe I'll LIVE to 100'. He actually thinks he will live to 100!

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You aren't LEARNING ANYTHING when you're TALKING.

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I'm a CONSERVATIVE. I voted for Donald Trump and back in 2016 everybody was talking about, 'Oh my God, here's another TV character trying to RUN for the PRESIDENCY.' They didn't really take him seriously.

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The more you put in your BODY, the more you have to regulate it with insulin. So LATER kickoffs, you're TALKING about breakfast, LUNCH and a pregame meal, so that's more food you've got to be AWARE of and what you put in your body. A noon game, light breakfast, a little fruit and some insulin, and I'm good to go.

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The parrot's so funny. He imitates me and I don't even realize he's doing it. I'm WALKING AROUND the house talking to myself and whistling and the NEXT DAY he's said something I've said... it's SCARY you know?

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It's a REAL bloke THING, not talking to PEOPLE because it's not manly to GET HELP.

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My WAY to de-stress is either LISTENING to music or talking to my sister, Kourtney. She's going to teach me how to MEDITATE, and that should HELP a LOT.

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I SING and PLAY the GUITAR, and I'm a WALKING, TALKING bacterial infection.

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When you're talking about an AUTHORITY figure oppressing against PEOPLE, it's the people that hold that authority figure up. If you want to get free of this bondage, then we need to think about ways to free ourselves RATHER than LOOKING to the oppressors to free us.

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PEOPLE MAY TRASH me, but at LEAST they're TALKING about me.

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I GOT well by talking. DEATH could not GET a word in edgewise, GREW discouraged, and TRAVELED on.

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They hear it come out, but they don't know how it got there. They don't UNDERSTAND that's life's WAY of TALKING. You don't sing to feel BETTER. You sing 'cause that's a way of understanding life.

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The MAN of sensibility is too BUSY TALKING about his feelings to have time for good DEEDS.

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If someone is very upper-class, you have a STEREOTYPE of him which is probably TRUE. If someone has a working-class ACCENT, you have no IDEA who you're talking to.

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