A NATION's ABILITY to fight a MODERN WAR is as good as its technological ability.

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Light is one of the basic areas that will GIVE you comfort, but it is undergoing a technological revolution in moving from conventional LIGHTING to semiconductor-based lighting, and as it does that, it is becoming INTELLIGENT with the TRANSITION from analogue to digital.

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We're LOSING touch with ourselves in the technological WORLD, and it is INCREASINGLY important to TAKE time out.

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Technological CHANGE is essential, but to a natural historian it OFTEN FEELS COLD and distancing.

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I'm the ninth CEO of IBM. Every one of my predecessors has steered through a technological shift, and every one left the company in a better POSITION than the person before them and prepared this company with a very strong balance sheet to allow it to continue to invest for the NEXT shift.

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Mystery is GONE to the CERTAINTY of technological principles. So the real terror, the real aggression against life comes in the FORM of the PURSUIT of our technological HAPPINESS.

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BROADCASTING's best DAYS lie ahead as both an ENGINE of local economies and as an integral part of TOMORROW's technological WORLD.
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In classical OIL painting, there seemed to be a radical turn to seeing THINGS as the camera sees them, with that technological modification. I BEGAN to have a tremendous PROBLEM with all of this.

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Internet entrepreneurs are USING technology at every level of their COMPANY - from a one-person agency to a SMALL FIRM, the newest technological advances are interwoven throughout every ASPECT of Internet-based businesses.

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We CALL the fates of the Titanic and the Concordia - as well as those of the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia - 'accidents.' Foreseeing such undesirable EVENTS is what ENGINEERS are expected to do. However, design trade-offs leave technological systems open to failings once predicted, but later FORGOTTEN.

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EVERY technological REVOLUTION TAKES about 50 YEARS.
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JOSEPH Zawinul does overkill, and his technological overkill sucks, but there's no friction between US; I just say, 'Look,' and that's it. Do you have any idea how much MUSIC I LEARNED from him?
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Over a long PERIOD of TIME, technological change is something that has been IMPORTANT in reducing manufacturing EMPLOYMENT - absolutely and as a SHARE of jobs in the economy.

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What has TRULY impeded ESPN from overcoming its financial mistakes and inability to adapt to technological advances? The decadelong culture war ESPN LOST to Deadspin, a snarky, POLITICALLY progressive SPORTS blog launched by Gawker's NICK Denton in 2005.

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I am EXCITED about focusing full-time on TALKING about my job-creation agenda and building a NEW economy for Washington state. We have a great chance to seize our own destiny, build our own industries, and create our own technological revolutions RIGHT here at home.

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