I'm not interested in BREAKING news. I'm interested in TELLING the STORY of what's GOING on and then trying to figure it out.

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The ENGLISH are POLITE by TELLING LIES. The Americans are polite by telling the TRUTH.

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As Commander in Chief of the United States MILITARY, I will never SEND our SONS and daughters and our BROTHERS and sisters to die in a foreign LAND without telling the truth about why they're going there.

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Essentially, I'm a STORYTELLER, and I make my LIVING by TELLING STORIES, be they music or nonfiction or FICTION.

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The WORST THING in the WORLD is TELLING yourself you can't do SOMETHING.

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I've READ up on MAGIC, and I think it SETS you free, and it GIVES you hope. You can explore worlds you didn't know existed. It stretches your imagination, and I like my own imagination to be stretched and also the children I'm telling the story to. It gives you a sense of WONDER.

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I BEGAN by TELLING the PRESIDENT that there was a cancer GROWING on the presidency and that if the cancer was not removed the president himself would be killed by it.

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A character wandering around ASKING, 'Who am I?' isn't, in and of itself, a STORY I'm interested in telling.

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My father leaving the family shaped who I was and how I LOOKED at the WORLD. By the same TOKEN, my father telling me fairy tales that he had made up shaped me profoundly, too.

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EVERYBODY's got a different way of telling a story - and has different STORIES to TELL.

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The only PITCH I have to movie people is the same as this one: Just GIVE me $8 million. I'm not TELLING you what it's about and I'm not telling you who's in it.

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People are always TELLING me that CHANGE is GOOD. But all that means is that SOMETHING you didn't want to HAPPEN has happened.

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