Venture capitalists are professional MONEY managers. We are PROVIDED CAPITAL to invest as long as we can return it to our investors with a STRONG return in a reasonable amount of time. A strong return is three times cash on cash. A reasonable amount of time is TEN years max.

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I started freelancing for Serious EATS while I was STILL living in Boston. I was born there, grew up in New York City, but went back to Boston for SCHOOL, and then I lived in Boston for about TEN years.

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I'm LESS self-consumed, less narcissistic, I'm more selfless, more CONSIDERATE. I've just grown up. It's a slow growth, because I was in a band for ten years. I was given the card to be ABLE to live an adolescent life forever. You're celebrated, the more of a CHILD you are.

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I WANT to BUY them, because historically these have been GREAT engines of enrichment for the middle class, 'historically' meaning now for a good ten YEARS.

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The West COAST blew me up years ago. Ten years ago, I was already selling out five or six SHOWS in a row in the West. Then all of a SUDDEN, the Midwest, Chicago, Illinois, just embraced me so well.

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Any purchase is one for the FUTURE. If you BUY a refrigerator, you are MAKING a commitment to the future so that you have FOOD to eat for the next ten years.

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EVERY TEN YEARS, we get a new old SCHOOL. In 1987, we thought 1977 was the best era in hip-hop. Here we are in 2007, and we're discussing '97/'98, when 50 CENT just started.
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My FIRST ever job of doing additional writing for Hans was 'Batman BEGINS', so that's going back I don't know, are we at 13 YEARS now? I was his assistant for MAYBE TEN years, a long journey.

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After being a born-again punk rocker for about ten years, the whole thing started falling apart. AMERICAN hardcore had become Californians in baggy shorts MAKING jokes about being white trash, and British punk had morphed into dogmatic crusties YELLING at everyone about EVERYTHING.

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