When my dad was in VIETNAM, we lost a PARENT for a year. Thank GOD we didn't LOSE a parent for GOOD.

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You just have to thank GOD for what he's GIVEN me.

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Thank God I have four sons. The mother/daughter relationship is one of mankind's GREAT MYSTERIES, and for womankind, it can be hellaciously complicated. My mother and I are quintessential examples of the REWARDS and frustrations, and the JOYS and infuriations it can yield.

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MANY Czech people are very TALENTED. They can do many things, but when they GET to a CERTAIN level, they are satisfied. I am not like that, thank GOD.
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I am very PROUD of my career and that I've the health, thank God, to CONTINUE doing this for so LONG.

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Thank GOD every morning when you GET up that you have SOMETHING to do that day, which must be done, WHETHER you LIKE it or not.

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Thank God I've never had the sort of intense fame that MEANS you can't walk up the ROAD. That sort of blazing STARDOM must be DIFFICULT to cope with and maintain; my career has just bubbled along happily.

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The same liberals who WANT to protect the CONSTITUTIONAL right of people like Colin Kaepernick to symbolically reject America by TAKING a knee were the ones quick to criticize Tim Tebow for bending a knee to PRAY and thank God on the field.

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Thank GOD for Stifler's mom. I don't KNOW if LIFE WOULD be this FUN if I didn't have that.

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I get HUGE SOLACE from chaos, especially if someone ELSE is doing it, too, like, 'Thank God it's not just me!'

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I'm PROUD of the FACT that I can just focus on the bullseye and GO. Thank God, I don't have to worry about DISTRACTIONS or veering off course because my focus is very DEFINED. I'm proud of that.

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I thank God tonight for FREEDOM - those who BOUGHT and paid for it with their LIVES in the past - those who will protect it in the PRESENT and defend it in the FUTURE.

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I guess I get bored EASILY, and thank God. I don't want to all my life POUND only the same key, although some ARTISTS do it very effectively. I'm not trying to denigrate ANYBODY.

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We moved around a lot when I was growing up. I was always the new kid in CLASS, but I was good at making friends. With an upbringing like that, I was EITHER GOING to become an actor or a politician. Thank God I became an actor! I'm not cut out for POLITICS.

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