The comics I READ as a kid were all about GUYS in tights. But here was a guy who wore a fedora. He fought CRIME like they did in Marvel and DC, but he did it in the real world. I had just TURNED 12 when I met the Spirit and it was a strange COINCIDENCE. At the same time I discovered girls I fell out of love with guys in tights.

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I don't think it should be allowed for people to START working at a young age and not take the TIME to just be living as themselves in the real world, especially now in this new age of new media and the OBSESSION with CELEBRITY. I think it's a real CRIME.

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If we limit our vision to the real world, we will FOREVER be fighting on the minus SIDE of things, working only too make our photographs EQUAL to what we see out there, but no BETTER.

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I THINK POLITICIANS just NEED to get out in the real WORLD.

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I KNOW CHILDREN regress after vaccination because it happened to my own son. Why aren't there any tests out there on the safety of how vaccines are administered in the real world, six at a TIME? Why have only two of the 36 shots our kids RECEIVE been looked at for their RELATIONSHIP to autism?

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Seeing games become more of a young PERSON thing, I feel like a toy I GREW up with has been left behind. I don't WANT to. I want this thing to be respected by adults. I want this thing to be growing with me. It's important to have games that could be more nuanced and reflective of the REAL WORLD and relevant to adults.

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My husband is SOMEONE who's in the real WORLD. It's a BIG help that I don't have both FEET in Hollywood.

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I don't think there are BEAUTIFUL WOMEN out there trying to lure MEN into any kind of CONSPIRACY. I think people are out there just trying to meet someone new and interesting and live in the real world.

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The worst THING we can do is GRADUATE kids who aren't prepared for the real WORLD.

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I denied my comic THING there for AWHILE. I always made people laugh, but my family SAID that's not the real world, I had to PUT on a suit and tie and be serious.

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When PEOPLE are faced with a choice between the Northern IRELAND they have GOT and the PERFECT Northern Ireland, they complain. But in the REAL world that isn't the choice.

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When I go on STAGE MAN I just want people to have fun, I don't want people to think about their problems, I want people to get energy and nutrition and FOOD from that so they can go back into the real world and WORK on their problems.

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When people are PERFORMING in a musical, EVERYBODY is intuitively drawn to the right pitch. You don't want to be too broad that people can't relate to it, so it has to have some grounding in the REAL WORLD.

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It's IMPORTANT to stay NORMAL and LIVE in the real world. I KNOW this is where you find happiness.

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The same people who NEVER did their homework in HIGH SCHOOL are still doing that to this very day out in the REAL world.

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