I've always been interested in how THINGS change, in social change. I was INVOLVED in the ANIMAL rights movement as a young woman, I've been involved in thinking about GENDER and issues around racism and so on.

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Don't use all-or-nothing thinking. TAKE each DAY as its own day, and don't WORRY about it if you mess up one day. The most IMPORTANT thing you can do is just get back up on the HORSE.

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Living in the moment, THINKING about the future, and staying connected to the PAST: That's what MAKES me feel whole.

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When you take something that's inert, and through motion, give it LIFE, make it APPEAR to be alive, living, breathing thinking and having EMOTIONS, that's animation. But when you take something that's live-action, and move a PART of it, that's a SPECIAL effect.

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The COLD WAR is over but Cold War THINKING SURVIVES.

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SUCCESS is a state of MIND. If you WANT success, start THINKING of yourself as a success.

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It's LIKE running a MARATHON race. We TRAIN all hours of the DAY. When you are taking a bath, you are THINKING of the flight.

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Here's SOMETHING that's contrary to POPULAR belief: I actually don't LIKE thinking. I think PEOPLE think I like to think a lot. And I don't. I do not like to think at all.

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I love my complexion, but like so many of us, in the early years at primary SCHOOL, I grew up THINKING that my dark skin wasn't a great thing. I've found freedom in music and songwriting, which has given me a freedom in how I PRESENT myself. I'm glad I've GOT MAKEUP to celebrate that with.

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We are approaching a NEW age of synthesis. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill... it DEMANDS a broader vision, capabilities in critical thinking and LOGICAL deduction WITHOUT which we cannot have CONSTRUCTIVE progress.

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Dreams don't have deadlines. I'm THINKING of doing bigger and BETTER THINGS and having more FUN with it.

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If TWO men AGREE on EVERYTHING, you may be sure that one of them is doing the THINKING.

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When I was a youngster, my dream was to play in the first team. I was constantly thinking, 'Will I make a CAREER in FOOTBALL? Am I GOING to have to go out and get a JOB?'

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Don't waste so MUCH time THINKING about how much you weigh. There is no more mind-numbing, boring, idiotic, self-destructive diversion from the FUN of LIVING.

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