I always have trouble remembering THREE things: FACES, names, and - I can't remember what the third THING is.

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BITCOIN has a core technological INNOVATION: The ability to publicly verify ownership, instantly transfer that ownership, and do so without the NEED for a TRUSTED third party.

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I would say that a wasted vote is VOTING for anybody you don't believe in. If you believe in the THIRD party, that's the GUY you NEED to voice for. That's how you CHANGE things.

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A THIRD of our FOOD comes from pollinating PLANTS.

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I don't think that PEOPLE in AMERICA are really given enough information about the THIRD WORLD.

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I can tell you that the BOOK 'The UGLY Truth' is about puberty and all the awfulness that comes with that time in a person's LIFE. It was DEFINITELY some DIFFERENT subject matter to be writing about, especially knowing some of my audience are second and third graders.

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I would STORM the GATES of HELL if THIRD Marine Air Wing was overhead.

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To SOLVE any problem, here are THREE questions to ASK yourself: FIRST, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?

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To be with the others, you have to have your hair SHORT and wear ties. So we're TRYING to make a third world happen, you KNOW what I MEAN?

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If people have to put labels on me, I'd prefer the FIRST LABEL to be human being, the second label to be PACIFIST, and the THIRD to be folk SINGER.

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There's a basic LAW, Klein's second, or THIRD, or fourth law of politics in the TV age, which is warm ALWAYS beats cold, with the exception of Richard NIXON. The nicer guy usually wins.

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The first time you SAY SOMETHING, it's HEARD. The second time, it's recognized, and the third time it's LEARNED.

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There are three types of words: words we all know, words we should know, and words NOBODY knows. Don't USE the THIRD CATEGORY.

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'Shantaram' is the second in the SERIES of a quartet of novels that I have planned about my life but is the first to be written. The THIRD BOOK is a sequel to 'Shantaram,' the first a prequel.

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I HATE to admit it to my wife, but I only wear TWO outfits on the ROAD, and then a third one during the day, but I CARRY about 20.

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