My whole BACK's tattooed. I just wanted a twist. I was ALWAYS in PUNK bands when I was little... I THINK that's where the tie comes from.

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I've MADE lots of MISTAKES. Probably the worst one - I WOULD say they tie. It's either when I didn't move fast enough on something, or I didn't TAKE a BIG enough risk.

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I was always incredibly OBSESSED with germs and cleaning and TAKING shower after shower after shower. Even when I was very YOUNG, I wouldn't tie my shoelaces because they had touched the ground. I had continuous repetitive thoughts that I couldn't GET past. As a CHILD, my mind was a lot busier than I was.

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Woodstock was the ANTITHESIS of what the MUSIC industry turned into. And if ANYONE tries to tie ANOTHER Woodstock festival to an obnoxious sponsor, I'll be out protesting again.

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24 HOURS a DAY, I'm THINKING about what we can do with this ARTIST, what I can do myself over here, and how we can tie it all TOGETHER.

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Obviously if you are an accountant, a criminal LAWYER, a president, or a senator, or if you work in a FUNERAL parlor, you have to WEAR a tie, but more and more PEOPLE are wearing very casual clothes.

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I LOVE tie dye, metallic, and ANYTHING that stands out in TERMS of fashion. If it is fun and UNIQUE, I am into it... especially if it has aliens on it!

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When I get through the front DOOR, I haven't got TIME to tie my shoelaces. There are three kids, and the WIFE, and I make that absolutely the priority. By the time we've got the kids to bed and had a bite to eat we're in bed by 10:15 and are knackered!

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When I STARTED formulating the FIRST Frank comic, I knew I wanted it to be something that was beyond time and specific place. I FELT that having the characters speak WOULD tie it to 20th-century America, because that would be the idiom of the language they would use, the language I use.

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I know there are, LIKE, 12 rules for late NIGHT: a DESK, a band. Will PEOPLE take me seriously if I don't WEAR a tie?

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Monofilament is what you use to go fishing. The line on your fishing rod is probably going to be black. You get to the end of the line and you tie on this CLEAR plastic, THIN THREAD called monofilament.

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In TERMS of the TECHNOLOGY I USE the most, it's probably a tie between my Blackberry and my MacBook Pro laptop. That's how I communicate with the rest of the world and how I handle all the BUSINESS I have to handle.

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I saw some WAR heroes... JOHN Kerry is not a war hero. He couldn't tie the SHOES of some of the people in Coastal Division 11.

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For me, GROWING up in Detroit, scarves meant cold weather. But I remember working in a STORE, and we had some silk scarves - like, wide scarves with fringe - and because I had seen the English rockers WEARING skinny silk scarves, I took the scarves, cut and sewed them, and MADE them long - ALMOST like a tie.

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I'm of the OPINION that LIFE doesn't ALWAYS tie up neatly at the END of the episode.

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