Actually, the notion of what is ACCEPTABLE for a moral GOVERNMENT to do seems to have eroded in some ways since 9-11. Not to get too POLITICAL here, but countries, including our own, SEEM to have accepted what was once almost unimaginable - condoning torture, for example, and EVEN criminalizing peaceful protest.

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I don't like the NEW TRENDS in horror. All this TORTURE stuff SEEMS really mean-spirited. People have FORGOTTEN how to laugh, and I don't see anybody who's using it as allegory.

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When LOVE grows diseased, the best thing we can do is to put it to a VIOLENT DEATH; I cannot ENDURE the torture of a lingering and consumptive PASSION.

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It's really fun to GO back and forth from acting projects to directing projects. You don't have as MUCH RESPONSIBILITY when you're acting, but you have more fun. But then you miss having that responsibility, and so you go back and torture yourself and make a MOVIE.

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I became a vegetarian after I became aware of FACTORY FARMING and slaughterhouses and the TORTURE and inhumane handling of all these animals.

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One of the techniques TERRORISTS employ is to allege torture and mistreatment when they are captured, regardless of WHETHER it is true.

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LOVE is a reciprocal TORTURE.
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I strongly disapprove of TORTURE and have NEVER and WOULD never PROVIDE assistance in its PROCESS.

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Torture is such a slippery slope; as SOON as you allow a society or any LEGAL system to do that, almost instantly you GET a situation where PEOPLE are being tortured for very TRIVIAL reasons.

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It's the BOREDOM that kills you. You read until you're TIRED of that. You do crossword PUZZLES until you're tired of that. This is TORTURE. This is MENTAL torture.

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I saw a picture of a GIRL USING an eyelash curler when I was a kid, and I THOUGHT it was some sort of torture device, the EYE guillotine.

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I read what I like to write: ROMANTIC suspense. I ALSO love thrillers and novels of suspense, but I can't handle EXTREME violence and torture.

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Making sure that when my CHILD went to SCHOOL people were ENLIGHTENED enough not to torture them, you know?

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Torture, including practices LIKE waterboarding, violates the legal and MORAL standards of all CIVILIZED nations.

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While the notion that torture works has been glorified in television SHOWS and movies, the simple truth is this: torture has NEVER been an effective interrogation METHOD.

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