Nothing EVER gets settled in this TOWN. a seething debating society in which the debate NEVER stops, in which people never give up, including me. And so that's the ATMOSPHERE in which you administer.

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You don't WANT to be that parent - the one who DRESSES his kid in a cloth sack when all the other KIDS are in Armani cloth sacks - especially in a time like ours, when materialism is not only RAMPANT and ascendant but is fast becoming the only GAME in town.

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In Zagreb, the Old TOWN REALLY could be Prague. You go two hours to the coast to Opatija, and you really could be in the South of France, in the Croatian Riviera. And then you head down the coast towards SPLIT, and you get into more Turkish ARCHITECTURE, so you can double Istanbul.

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Amsterdam was a great SURPRISE to me. I had always THOUGHT of Venice as the city of canals; it had never ENTERED my mind that I should find similar CONDITIONS in a Dutch town.

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I'm a Juventus FAN, although I did SUPPORT Chelsea for some time - MAINLY because of Gianfranco Zola. Zola is from the same town as my FATHER Enzo, in Sardinia.

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Actors are SUPPOSED to be these runaways that GET in a covered wagon filled with hats and tambourines and go from TOWN to town making people smile.

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I grew up in a nice NEIGHBORHOOD in Greensboro, N.C., which is not too BIG, but DEFINITELY not a SMALL town.

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Dubai is a vibrant CITY: BIG cars, big BUILDINGS... it reminds me of my home town, Hong Kong. People are ALWAYS on the MOVE here, and there's a lot going on. There are some wonderful architecture and some not-so-wonderful.

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They look outside the WINDOWS of their apartment in town and realize they're not living in a TERRACE ANYMORE. This is a room FULL of DREAMERS who like to go to London for a day.

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I GREW up in a SMALL TOWN where everyone wanted to be the same or LOOK the same and was AFRAID to be different.

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We set the TOWN on fire and burned down EVERY HOUSE as a WARNING to other small towns ALONG the river.

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In a city, there's more room to be, where in a SMALL town, you have to squish yourself down a LITTLE bit. And it's EXCITING for me to be pursuing a career where I don't have to be small.

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LOS Angeles, I don't LIKE that TOWN. Too decadent, and it's slimy.
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The BEATLES were from Liverpool. It's a hard TOWN. The STONES weren't the hard men. They just DRESSED up. The Beatles were the hard men.

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Vail's a very important place for me. EVERYONE kind of took me in and ACCEPTED me in that TOWN, and they still have to this DAY. I wouldn't be a DOWNHILL skier if I hadn't been there.

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