I've ALWAYS thought that jazz NEEDS to be heard by a wider AUDIENCE in Puerto Rico. I WANT to put together a series of free concerts in the SMALL towns - one with Miles Davis music, another with bebop, maybe Duke Ellington. I want younger people to see what is possible.

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Veterans COME from all WALKS of life, and they live in small towns and big CITIES, in RED STATES and blue states.

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I grew up with this crazy upbringing of LIVING many places and ALWAYS being the new kid in town, not like a service brat where you're always GOING to school with other new kids in town. I was constantly ARRIVING in small towns and going to school with kids who'd been together since they were in kindergarten.

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L.A.'s KIND of, LIKE, seven really cool towns. It's so laid-back. If you go in the RIGHT SPOT, you can walk around, and you don't need a CAR.

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When I go HOME to Pennsylvania, my COUSINS who LIVE in small towns and are twenty-three with KIDS are like 'Krysten, when are you getting MARRIED?' 'When are you having a kid?' Honestly, those aren't the most important things to me right now.

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It used to happen in VILLAGES and towns in CHINA that they would have - I guess you'd CALL them beauty contests - where all of the women of a particular VILLAGE or town would be seated behind these screens or curtains with only their FEET showing.

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Challenge AMERICA grants go to the towns and hamlets of this sprawling COUNTRY, where big touring companies will rarely go, and major actors, actresses, writers and ARTISTS MAY never appear in person.

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I LIKE the WORLD, but I feel very, very Italian. I LOVE the small parts of my country: Tuscany, Capri in the winter. I don't like BIG towns.

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We want to DEFEND the rights of Malaysians. We don't want to SELL chunks of this COUNTRY to foreign companies who will develop whole towns.

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Towns and CITIES throughout the UNITED States have opened their hearts and homes to THOUSANDS of families displaced from their homes as a result of this HORRIFIC STORM.

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