The loss of my father marked my life. I'm 88 YEARS OLD and I'm still mourning him because it's such a DRAMA for me. It was just after my bar mitzvah and it was so TRAGIC. The effect on me, I carry it all my life.

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People EVOLVE and GROW, and life is FASCINATING and fun and tragic.

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When I CAME to the league, a lot of people were SAYING Dragic's name was 'Tragic.' That hurts a little bit. I always have those COMMENTS in the BACK of my head and try to prove to all those people that they were mistaken.

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Like a lot of PEOPLE, I've often wondered what else I might have been. When I was younger, but EVEN after I was a child, I thought BATMAN was the whole package. Smart, calculating, pragmatic. Depressed, but in a way WOMEN found hot. Tragic at his core and struggling with his demons while trying to save the world.

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I've had a LOT of TRAGIC hairdos and outfits.

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The separation of a childless COUPLE is DRAMATIC, but the separation of a couple with children is always TRAGIC.

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I have been used for a purpose, and there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don't TAKE my TESTIMONY and SOMEHOW vindicate me so my people don't suffer because of what I have DONE.

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I actually thought Pope PAUL VI was the most TRAGIC figure in the MODERN church, like Lyndon JOHNSON was a very tragic figure in politics in some ways.

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GUYS don't adapt as well as women do to GETTING their heart BROKEN for the FIRST time. It's TRAGIC.
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EVERYONE kept saying, 'The terrorists didn't win. You won! We won! You survived!' That's just WEIRD to me. Nobody WINS in these situations. I don't see winners and losers in TRAGIC EVENTS.
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The process of open ADOPTION is not discussed in the way it should be. EVERYONE I KNOW who has adopted domestically has at least one tragic story. It was important to me to be able to describe those SITUATIONS.

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Melancholy is a STATE that I very MUCH enjoy being in, ACTUALLY. It's not the same as FEELING sad. It's a more complex emotion; it derives from a tragic VIEW of the world, a tragic view of art.

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My tutors at DRAMA SCHOOL commended and criticised my use of comedy in my ACTING for a long time at drama school. They said I had a tendency to somehow perform the most tragic of scenes in a SLIGHTLY flippant way.

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There are so many GREAT characters because one of the THINGS that MAKES BATMAN fantastic is that Batman is tragic. I've said this elsewhere; I've said it over and over again, but the beauty of the CHARACTER is that he's a Don Quixote.

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