I will TELL you that the special relationship that America has with the ISRAELI PEOPLE TRANSCENDS any of the POLITICS.

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I WANTED to make SOMETHING that TRANSCENDS borders and gets BEYOND this feeling of NATIONAL identity.

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I attended classes and taught classes, in Food Anthropology at Pace University, with an anthropology PROFESSOR. You can trace history by the ARCHITECTURE and food of a place. Food is one of those things that transcends and STAYS in the culture.

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MUSIC happens to be an art form that TRANSCENDS LANGUAGE.

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One of the things that I find so EXCITING about life is that you're CONSTANTLY SURPRISED. You NEVER KNOW what's going to happen, and it's certainly like that making movies; every once in a while, one will come along that transcends all of your expectations.

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In what transcends this world, the best is MESSI because he is INCREDIBLE: he does THINGS that NOBODY can do.

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I THINK the father-son love story is a universal one which TRANSCENDS COLOR.

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The pride people take in their WORK transcends to their homes, their education, families and COMMUNITIES.

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The process of WRITING a story isn't about fair. It's about GETTING to the HEART of your story, getting to the TRUTH of it. It transcends ideals of fair and unfair, right and wrong.

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SPORTS fandom transcends gender, race, language, POLITICAL preference, socioeconomic STATUS, or any other way you can THINK of slicing this planet.

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