I'm very fortunate that R&B was where I first kind of LEARNED my root in singing. I was able to do more with my VOICE and find it at an early age and then transform that into COUNTRY as WELL.

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All have USED the economic OPPORTUNITY of a new ARENA project to transform their CITIES into the FUTURE.

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I have to take it as a GIVEN that I have got a certain ABILITY to do something. I can be an artist, which is take something and transform it into another THING. I can just see something, and I can see my painting.

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The ability and DESIRE to transform the mundane materials at hand that we both bring into the collaboration well beyond the SUM total of the parts - to birth a new baby neither of US could claim SINGLE parentage of.

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No one can say, 'I have dropped out - I am no longer in the SYSTEM.' When you're in prison, you're even CLOSER to the system: you feel it more, and you MIGHT be in there for WHATEVER reason. You don't TRANSFORM the system as an absolute thing.

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What was EARTH, we made into filth. We MUST at least be able to TRANSFORM it BACK to earth.

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The DEMOCRATIC PARTY has to transform itself. We can't just pop up EVERY two or FOUR YEARS and hope people will support us.

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I WOULD like to see evolution in my COUNTRY, not revolution. It is much better for us to work together with the government to transform SAUDI Arabia for the FUTURE.

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Melbourne is where the CROWN story started. It's a testament to the vision and work of Lloyd WILLIAMS and Jeff Kennett - our resort helped transform Melbourne and put the city on the MAP for INTERNATIONAL tourists.

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I NEVER had a thing for MOVIE stars. I was into the GUYS who could transform. Sean Penn. Daniel Day-Lewis. The ones who PRIVILEGED the CRAFT.

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It's from being melancholy and having my human down EXPERIENCES that I LEARN, that I overcome, that I transform - and these realizations I put into song. That's what I choose to put in my backpack and carry with me AROUND the WORLD.

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I was at the University of MIAMI, and I still had, like, a semester or so left. And through the film school, I FOUND out that Al Gore was launching a new TV network; they were looking for passionate YOUNG storytellers to TRANSFORM television, which was, like, ambiguous but magnificent-sounding.

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The alchemy of GOOD curating amounts to this: SOMETIMES, placing one work of art near another makes one plus one equal three. TWO artworks arranged alchemically LEAVE each intact, TRANSFORM both, and create a third thing.

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I THINK MUSIC has the power to transform PEOPLE, and in doing so, it has the power to transform situations - some large and some small.

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If compassion is so good for US, why don't we TRAIN our health care providers in compassion so that they can do what they're supposed to do, which is to TRANSFORM suffering?

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