But I was ALSO a big mouth, I started to DEVELOP a TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP with Harry Shorten.

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It is DIFFICULT for me to understand the TRAGIC accounts of troubled MARRIAGES that COME to me.

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I remain troubled by the deliberate killing of CIVILIANS, whether by the UNITED STATES or by its ENEMIES.

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I'm not ACTIVIST, but I'm not TROUBLED by being in the LGBT CORNER.

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The threat here focuses primarily on troubled SOULS in America who are being INSPIRED or enabled online to do something VIOLENT for ISIL.

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Catholics and evangelicals should be TROUBLED by Mrs. Clinton's HIDDEN AGENDA to INFLUENCE and alter the tenets of Christian and Catholic orthodoxy.

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Civilization in our TIME is DRIVEN by materialism and troubled by pollution, over-population, CORRUPTION, and VIOLENCE. National PARKS can hardly be uncoupled from the society around them, but that only makes it more important to protect them and keep them whole and pure.

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Murk can be described as an enfeebled fog with a PERSONALITY DISORDER; it is more troubled than ethereal, sulking moodily over our LIVES at the end of the day.

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If a PERSON is INSANE or troubled, you first have to get the person to admit that they have a PROBLEM before you can solve ANYTHING.

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It is a troubled soul that FORCES the human being to act. It is some KIND of gangrene WITHIN you, INSIDE of you, that eats your soul, that forces you to save your soul.

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If India hadn't become a troubled SPACE for me, SOMEHOW I wouldn't have any reason to WRITE about it. So the fact that it's a lost LOVE, or SOMETHING, is why I keep thinking about it obsessively.

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We don't WANT to give a BUSINESS that is not GOING to come through the TROUBLED waters a loan that they can't pay back.

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I READ the final Wallander novel, 'The TROUBLED MAN,' not long after it was PUBLISHED.

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I've LONG LOVED emerging markets airlines because they usually SELL at bargain PRICES. The TROUBLED history of developed market airlines unfairly taints these stocks. In the emerging world, they're growth stocks.

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