We have TWO tractor-trailer rigs on the Tour. One is a THERAPY truck, and one is a workout truck. If everything is going WELL, you're walking in the workout truck, and when THINGS aren't going well, you're walking in the therapy truck.

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My vision of the BORDER with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will PASS each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. YES, we should have open borders.

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Liberal democracies like ours seem, for the most PART, to have learned how to avoid meticulously PLANNED mass-casualty plots with the complexity and SCALE of 9/11. But they don't know how to keep their citizens safe at night clubs and concerts, in supermarkets, on beachfront promenades, from truck drivers.

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I USED to sit in my pickup TRUCK at 7 o'clock in the MORNING outside my office and listen to the Replacements or something full BLAST, thinking, 'What am I doing here?'

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When I LEFT BALTIMORE I put everything I owned in my DAD's pick-up truck and drove cross-country to make it as a rockstar in L.A.

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I wish that food trucks could EXIST here in CHICAGO like they do in Brooklyn and in New YORK, where you're ACTUALLY cooking off the truck.

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I have a TRUCK TEAM for a REASON.

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I have horses, I drive a truck, and I WEAR cowboy BOOTS. FIRST I'm a Texan.

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I'm an ACTOR... I do a JOB and I go home. Why are you interested in me? You don't ASK a TRUCK driver about his job.

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I've BOUGHT PERFECTLY HEALTHY horses for a couple of hundred dollars just as they were about to be loaded on a slaughterhouse-bound truck.

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Mike Webster LOST all his money or, maybe, gave it AWAY. He forgot. A lot of lawsuits. Mike Webster forgot how to EAT, too. Soon, Mike Webster was homeless, living in a truck, one of its windows replaced with a garbage bag and tape.

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Did I still feel LIKE I'd been RUN over by a Mack TRUCK? Absolutely. It's CHEMO, after all.

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Ansel Adams rattled AROUND the Southwest with his battered truck and his view camera, which LOOKED LIKE a GIANT accordion with a lens attached to it.

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I worked for a big department store, and strangely, on my FIRST DAY, they put me in charge of CHRISTMAS wrapping. I didn't know how to wrap a present and make it not LOOK LIKE it fell off a truck.

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