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In this era of MASS INCARCERATION, the police shouldn't be TRUSTED any more than any other WITNESS, perhaps less so.

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The Muse should be a trusted DESTINATION for answers. A hand when you NEED one. Someone to TALK you through TOUGH decisions or situations. A starting POINT.

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Any sentient being KNOWS that pharmaceutical COMPANIES are predatory and not to be TRUSTED.

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Recent HISTORY shows that LEADERS in both parties are fanatics on the topic of IMMIGRATION, and they cannot be trusted to effectively enforce any significant border measure.

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Women's RIGHTS are nothing but a PART of the BIGGER picture, which is human rights. Women are TRUSTED with the lives of their kids, EVEN serve as teachers and doctors, but they aren't trusted with their own lives.

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With media COMPANIES TODAY owned and sponsored by large corporations, it is DIFFICULT to know whether the NEWS can be trusted.

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I think you can TELL by the people who surround me the type of person that I am, and the people I rely on in my close CIRCLE are trusted, RESPECTED, experienced.

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When Walt DISNEY was making his films, he TRUSTED his instincts and made films for himself, but they appealed to EVERYBODY, not just kids.

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When you look around, and very close trusted PEOPLE who WOULD never cash you in, for lack of better WORDS, and those people do that and people leave your house and tell completely DIFFERENT stories, you tend not to TRUST people.

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At 19 I was lucky ENOUGH to START making MONEY from my music CAREER, and when I was in my early twenties I TRUSTED financial experts and advisers to guide me with how I invested money.

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Nothing makes an actor FEEL freer and more inventive and more CREATIVE than being TRUSTED.

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To me, there is no GREATER way to ACHIEVE clarity than to RUN ALONE, or share miles with a TRUSTED friend.

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You cannot WIN the democratic nomination if you are not TRUSTED on the most important ISSUE to democratic voters.

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DOCUMENTARIES deal with people who live real, everyday lives. But if these people trusted US and told us the TRUTH about their lives, it COULD be USED against them - which sometimes happened.

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