As actors, you LIVE in DOUBT; that's one of the TRUTHS of the PARTICULAR JOB.

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As a person of COLOR, I was trained from very early on to see 'Leave It to Beaver,' 'Gilligan's Island,' or 'Hamlet' and look BEYOND the specifics of it - whether it be SILLY white people on an island or a family living in Nowheres or a Danish person - to leap past the specifics and find the human TRUTHS that have to do with me.

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But he is UNWORTHY the name of a MINISTER of the GOSPEL of peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his name cast out as evil, but ALSO to die for the TRUTHS of the Lord Jesus.

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Love invites the HOLY GHOST to be present to CONFIRM TRUTH. And the joy of learning divine truths creates love in the hearts of people who shared the experience of learning.

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For 500 years after Gutenberg, the dominant form of information was the printed page: knowledge was primarily delivered in a FIXED format, one that encouraged readers to BELIEVE in stable and settled TRUTHS.

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Rock N' roll is the music where you can get AWAY with pretty much saying everything, and it's OK. You can SAY truths in REALLY interesting and good ways and really express yourself through it.

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FRANKLY, I think that the NEWS industry is critically IMPORTANT because it points out things and surfaces truths that can often be uncomfortable. I think that that's working, and the SPOTLIGHT has been pointed on things that we have a responsibility to do better, and I accept that.
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Time and again, we have FOUND the 'idle' TRUTHS arrived at through the PROCESS of inquiry to be of the greatest moment for practical HUMAN affairs.

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We are suffocated by WRITERS who want to ENLIGHTEN us with their truths. For me, the THEATRE is beautiful because it is a secret, and SECRETS seduce us, we all want to SHARE secrets.

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When TRUTH is no LONGER FREE, freedom is no longer real: the TRUTHS of the police are the truths of today.

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Inauthenticity is endemic in American POLITICS today. The political backrooms where I spent much of my CAREER were just as benighted as my personal LIFE, equally crowded with shadowy strangers and compromises, truths I hoped to deny. I LIVED not in one closet but in MANY.

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As THINGS mature - whether they be real estate, rock N' ROLL, politics, festivals, radio - there's an efficiency that DEVELOPS, and with it, very often, comes some soul-crushing truths.

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No MATTER who the characters are, you can strip them down and FIND small UNIVERSAL truths.

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There is an emerging subgenre of British nonfiction in which journalists from 'The GUARDIAN' fearlessly recount their own derring-do in David-and-Goliath battles WAGED against omnipotent STATE interests in the pursuit of Big IMPORTANT TRUTHS.

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WikiLeaks has revealed some HARD TRUTHS about the Iraq and Afghan wars and BROKEN stories about corporate CORRUPTION.

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