I'm not trying to act LIKE I'm Superman or better than anybody else in the game. I'm just telling my STORY, showing my STRENGTHS and weaknesses - as a HUMAN, as a PERSON, as a man.

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SEX at age 90 is like trying to SHOOT POOL with a ROPE.
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As OPPOSED to trying to make a kiss look ROMANTIC or sweet or passionate, it's KIND of fun to just have the FREEDOM to make it look weird, goofy and awkward.

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I'm really interested in trying to tell STORIES about WOMEN that don't involve romantic components. That's so much a part of the way we FEEL about female characters and their needs that it feels like it's BUILT in - but I'd like to find a way that it's not. There are so many more stories than that.

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It's not me trying to act or POSE in a certain WAY. It's a lifestyle - like a suaveness or a swag, per SE.

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When I'm at my BEST, I'm TRYING to destabilize myself and figure out NEW ways of approaching art as a provocation. I think I am at my best when I push myself into a PLACE where I don't have all the ANSWERS.

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There is no failure except in no longer TRYING. There is no DEFEAT except from WITHIN, no REALLY insurmountable barrier save our own inherent weakness of purpose.

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I just WANT to be great. I want to STAND out, be a great leader for this DEFENSE, and I'm just trying to leave it all out on the field.

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We are living in very challenging TIMES. Pressured in the workplace and stressed out at HOME, people are TRYING to make SENSE of their LIVES.

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I'm ALWAYS TRYING to show versatility. I'm juggling, and I'm flipping FIRE, and I'm chewing GUM and rhyming at the same time... on a unicycle, while playing the DRUMS.

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If someone is complaining about the question or the questioner RATHER than providing an answer, they're usually trying to change the SUBJECT.

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If you begin to UNDERSTAND what you are WITHOUT TRYING to change it, then what you are undergoes a TRANSFORMATION.

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All I'm TRYING to do is to KEEP GOING and keep evolving.

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