Well, because I have twin seven-year-old boys, I ENJOY the GIFT GIVING stuff a GREAT deal. We do both Hanukkah and Christmas, so it is a costly, though extremely pleasing proposition.

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I'm a twin, I'm a Cancer; I'm ALWAYS taking CARE of other PEOPLE. I've always been the FIXER in the family, the responsible one.

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I was a massive fan of 'Twin PEAKS.' Massive. I don't know how any of US grew up in this age of television and weren't astounded, and saying that, I'm still SHOCKED that that was on network television.

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When the AUDIENCE first SEES Cooper talking into his tape recorder at the beginning of 'Twin Peaks,' I think that's the GREATEST introduction to a character I've seen in my career. It tells you everything about the guy right there in a few minutes as well as bringing up a WHOLE load of questions.

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I LOVE Aphex TWIN's 'Rhubarb.'

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I BELIEVE that SOVEREIGNTY is the TWIN SISTER of DEMOCRACY. If there's no sovereignty, there's no democracy.

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The Trade Center itself held - and holds - a special PLACE, I THINK, in the hearts and minds of people in law enforcement - the fact that it did not fall in 1993. Ramzi Yousef's GOAL was to topple the Twin Towers into each other so that more people DIED than had died at Hiroshima.

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'Twin PEAKS' was my GATEWAY for DAVID Lynch.

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And now comes Pete Martell in TWIN PEAKS and he's just a NICE GUY.

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And Twin Peaks, the Film is the craziest film in the history of cinema. I have no idea what HAPPENED, I have no idea what I saw, all I know is that I left the THEATER FLOATING SIX feet above the GROUND.

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I was doing 'Twin Peaks,' and Columbia called and said they WANTED me to do 'Gladiator.' I thought it had the POTENTIAL to be a real commercial film, so I was like a kid in a CANDY store.

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I'll TELL you, 'Fire WALK With Me' is the one for 'Twin Peaks' FANS. It's MUCH more haunted than the TV series.

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'Twin PEAKS' is my FAVORITE SHOW of all TIME.

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I don't KNOW if we WOULD have stuff like 'Deadwood' and 'Boardwalk EMPIRE' if 'Twin Peaks' had never happened.

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That's honestly one of the BLESSINGS of having a twin who shares your INTERESTS. You kind of GET this MIRROR view of what you're CAPABLE of.

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