I like all TYPES of MUSIC. EVEN though rap music is 80 percent of what I listen to, it's not the only THING I listen to.

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Here at the COLD Spring Harbor LABORATORY, we have genetically rearranged various viruses and bacteria as part of our medical research. In fact, we have been able to create entirely new types of DNA molecules by splicing together the genetic information from DIFFERENT organisms - recombinant DNA.

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As I've GOTTEN OLDER, as I've gotten familiar with all different TYPES of music, STUFF that I didn't like when I was younger I actually KIND of like now.

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I have got a LOT of APPRECIATION from PEOPLE and they really like my voice in Sufi songs, so I will continue with that, but I'm also experimenting with other types of songs.

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A lot of PEOPLE are comfortable labelling you because it's easy. Like, 'He's a RAPPER. He can only do this. He can only do these TYPES of shows.' I want to do everything. I want to FEEL comfortable being me.

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There's certain TYPES of MUSIC where the ARTIST sells the song - where it doesn't really matter what's GOING on with the song.

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If you can't see an EXAMPLE of what you COULD be, you really aren't GOING to have that EXTRA incentive to break through any TYPES of barriers.

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I think there are CERTAIN tenets SET in PLACE for all different types on genres. For thrillers, WOMEN usually die first. I can't say EXACTLY why, and it's kind of a bummer... But I also can't explain why the wallflower girl in the romantic comedy always gets the guy in the end. That's just the way those movies go.

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It's quite difficult to figure out a common THREAD among us all as we're FIVE very different PEOPLE who love different TYPES of music.

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I like all TYPES of MUSIC: pop, ROCK and COUNTRY.

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We've progressed well BEYOND the four humors in the TWO thousand-odd years since Hippocrates, but we still haven't satisfied the urge to DISCOVER ways of sorting people into personalities and types and, in so doing, PREDICT how they might act in specific situations.

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There are TWO TYPES of FRIENDS: ACTUAL friends, and the other KIND.

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I think it TAKES DIFFERENT types of winners to MAINTAIN a WINNING culture.

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I WORK on the types of MOVIES that I would have loved WATCHING as a kid.

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The cool THING about 'Hearthstone' is, in TERMS of ACCESSIBILITY to competitive play, it's very ACCESSIBLE. Anybody can participate in these types of things.

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