I have rituals for cleaning out resentments, DISAPPOINTMENTS, HEARTBREAK, depression and for WORK. One of the things I do is GO over OLD stuff if I have been unable to write for a while.

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If a parent KEEPS on saying that, 'my kid is not understanding me at all,' he or she needs to LOOK inside and ask, what wrong am I doing that my CHILD is UNABLE to understand me?

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I BEGAN WRITING 'Matterhorn' in 1975 and for more than 30 YEARS I kept working on my novel in my spare TIME, unable to GET an agent or publisher to even read the manuscript.

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Parents are working more than ever before and unable to monitor what KIDS are eating at home, and schools are selling astronomical amounts of JUNK food in order to supplement shrinking budgets. It's a ticking time BOMB, and AMERICA's children are exploding.

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I wrote my SECOND novel, 'A Little Life,' in what I STILL THINK of as a fever dream: For 18 months, I was unable to PROPERLY CONCENTRATE on anything else.

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Without federal assistance, most elderly Americans WOULD be UNABLE to AFFORD long-term care - and most nursing homes would be unable to KEEP the doors open.

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When I went to see CERTAIN shows when I was a kid, they CHANGED my life. They made me tap into that place INSIDE myself that I was unable to get to, so music is that TOOL, that bridge, and that's the KIND of music I'm interested in making.

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Most Christian leadership is exercised by PEOPLE who do not know how to develop HEALTHY, INTIMATE relationships and have opted for POWER and control instead. Many Christian empire-builders have been people unable to GIVE and receive love.

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