The OLDER I GET, the more I BELIEVE in what I can't EXPLAIN or understand, EVEN more than the things that are explainable and understandable.

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I LEARNED why 'out RIDING ALONE' is an oxymoron: An equestrian is never alone, is always sensing the other being, the mysterious but ALSO understandable LIVING being that is the horse.

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A house isn't REALLY understandable until it settles into the site: until it's built, furnished and lived in for four or five YEARS. The REALITY is not on paper but in how a building sits on the land - how it relates to trees, to slopes, to water, to GARDENS.

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Affirmative ACTION was DESIGNED to recognize the uniquely difficult journey of African-Americans. This policy was justifiable and understandable, even to those who CAME from white CULTURAL groups that had ALSO suffered in socio-economic terms from the Civil War and its aftermath.

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The Icesave MATTER is COMPLEX and it is understandable that the issue has been oversimplified by MANY. UNFORTUNATELY some of the basic FACTS of the matter have been unilaterally interpreted, and sometimes distorted, giving rise to unjustified criticism of the conduct of the Icelandic authorities.

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It's of COURSE understandable that PEOPLE WANT to KNOW about actors in their FAVOURITE series.

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I cannot imagine a context that would some DAY, in some MANNER, make the monstrous CRIME of September 11 an understandable or comprehensible political act.

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There is a world of difference between not disclosing fine DETAIL and relying on broad and generalised assertions. The FIRST MAY be understandable; the second is not ACCEPTABLE.

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The European UNION is an institution that is in the INTEREST of big business, not the European PEOPLE. So it's understandable that some people THOUGHT we should leave.

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Dave Camp, in my view, made tax REFORM inevitable in the sense that he showed you could broaden the base and lower the RATES and simplify the CODE and be competitive around the world and MAKE it more understandable.

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Whenever people would speculate about the DEATH of my GRANDFATHER it was ALWAYS this very retributive thing. That they were going to picket his funeral after all the things that he had DONE to so many other people. That vindictiveness is obviously completely understandable. It would make PERFECT sense.

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It was INEVITABLE and understandable that the ELECTION of Jeremy Corbyn would be a massive CULTURE shock for some sections of the party, especially some members of the parliamentary LABOUR party.

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