I want, by UNDERSTANDING myself, to UNDERSTAND OTHERS. I want to be all that I am capable of BECOMING.

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As Christians we need to be patient, understanding, and kind. Instead of GOING on the attack, we can ASK genuine questions. Instead of bristling when our narrative is summarily dismissed, we can carefully EXPLAIN our way of seeing things. And when we are wrong, we won't be afraid to say so.

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In fact, a lot of saas-bahus of today SHARE a distinctive bond of SUPPORT and understanding. I do FEEL that's the way it should be.

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It's UNDERSTANDING the INTENTION of a composer that allows a PRODUCER and an arranger to make those moments SPEAK.

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Most COPS are not looking for understanding. They work in a world filled with a sense - REAL or IMAGINED - of danger lurking around each corner and every hallway. Most cops are merely looking for RESPECT.

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I think people have been really receptive to understanding that I've GROWN up and the MUSIC's GOING to SOUND a little different.

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Democrats with a good understanding of the NEED for strong ENERGY policy in our country, especially in these difficult ECONOMIC times, recognized the IMPORTANCE of the Keystone XL PIPELINE.

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1926 was the most significant year. LOOKING back, it SEEMS that it was not just a year in the sense of TIME. It was a year of great realisation or awareness. It seems to me that at CERTAIN times of the HISTORY of man, the understanding of certain situations ripens.

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That's one thing brands are understanding is, I'm the blogger who's not writing about fashion. I'm not writing about BEAUTY. I'm not writing about gossip. I'm not writing about politics. I'm writing about all of that. I'm the PERSON they can come to if they just want to REACH PEOPLE who care and have their fingers on POP culture.

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SOMETIMES, we only GET to know someone as one aspect of who they are. Then you start peeling BACK the layers and understanding more and more about who they are - their vulnerabilities, their fears, their joys, all those other words that equal humanity.

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I didn't GET to have a girlfriend, bring her over to the house. I'm a lot slower understanding some of those things, but I NEVER see it as a DISADVANTAGE.

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We are in a WORLD where people are understanding that athletes and entertainers are citizens too. Some of US want to leverage our platform for good, and I want to be SOMEONE who is thoughtful and real about trying to influence people in a WAY that will lead to healthier COMMUNITIES and a better nation.

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The FASTEST way to have a loving, SUPPORTIVE, understanding spouse is to BECOME a loving, supportive, understanding spouse.

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Study a FOREIGN language if you have opportunity to do so. You may never be called to a LAND where that language is spoken, but the study will have GIVEN you a better understanding of your own TONGUE or of another tongue you may be asked to acquire.

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