I THINK for some people who leave Westboro, losing that sense of specialness feels LIKE you've lost something really valuable and important. I had the opposite experience. I was so grateful to KNOW that I wasn't uniquely EVIL. I was just a human being who had had this set of EXPERIENCES that were outside of my control.
Read MoreFor complicated historical and political reasons, we associate 'poor' in our PUBLIC consciousness with 'black.' Terms such as 'welfare queen' and 'culture of POVERTY' became ASSOCIATED uniquely with the SOCIAL maladies of African Americans in urban ghettos, despite the fact that poor whites outnumbered poor blacks.
Read MoreWhen you get RIGHT down to it, there's SOMETHING uniquely SATISFYING in being gripped by a great plot, in begrudging whatever real-world OBLIGATIONS might prevent you from finding out what happens NEXT.
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