I do not look upon these United STATES as a finished PRODUCT. We are STILL in the MAKING.

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As a citizen of the UNITED States, I am ready, willing, and ABLE to BEAR arms for this country.

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GENE Roddenberry continually reminded us that the Star Trek Enterprise was a metaphor for starship Earth. And the strength in this starship CAME from its diversity, COMING together and working in CONCERT as a TEAM. That is the strength of our countries, Canada and the United States. We are nations of diversity.
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The United STATES was founded by the brightest PEOPLE in the COUNTRY - and we haven't seen them SINCE.

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There are TWO kinds of BIG COMPANIES in the UNITED States. There are those who've been hacked by the Chinese, and those who don't KNOW they've been hacked by the Chinese.

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A declaration of the independence of AMERICA, and the SOVEREIGNTY of the United States was drawn by the ingenious and philosophic PEN of Thomas Jefferson, Esquire, a DELEGATE from the state of Virginia.

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Whether you WANT to go into MUSIC, whether you want to be a lawyer, whether you want to be PRESIDENT of the United STATES, the BOTTOM line for all of you is that you have got to get your education.

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The United States of America, justifiably and proudly, went to WAR in AFGHANISTAN in early winter of 2001. The United States INVADED IRAQ on a false premise in the SPRING of 2003.

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I can die a HAPPY MAN NEVER having been PRESIDENT of the United States of America. But it doesn't mean I won't run.

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Africans in the UNITED States must remember that the slave ships BROUGHT no West INDIANS, no Caribbeans, no Jamaicans or Trinidadians or Barbadians to this hemisphere. The slave ships brought only African people and most of US took the semblance of nationality from the places where slave ships dropped us off.

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The UNITED States is, after all, supposed to be a FREE COUNTRY - and it has never made any SENSE to me that CHOICES about what to put into our own bodies aren't ours and ours alone.

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UNITED States naturalization is a privilege not a RIGHT, and those who have had this privilege bestowed upon them MUST respect and uphold the laws of our land.
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What I have advocated is that we pass law in this COUNTRY that says all human life at every stage of its development is WORTHY of protection. In FACT, I think that law already exists. It is called the CONSTITUTION of the United States.

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We should be OPEN to a discussion on KEEPING guns out of the hands of the mentally ILL. I don't know how that manifests itself, but I'm looking to get elected president of the UNITED States. I just want to let PEOPLE know I have an open mind about how we might - how government might - interject itself in a lot of the problems we have.

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The United States has TRIED for years to LIVE down President Franklin D. Roosevelt's order during WORLD War II to move Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to inland detention camps on grounds that they MIGHT be disloyal.

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